Clients - Feedback & Help Center

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That forum has been temporarily blocked due to account changes.

Aquest fòrum està temporalment blocat degut a canvis al compte. Approve this translation

Feedback forums

Fòrums de feedback Approve this translation

Top ideas from the community

Idees més valorades Approve this translation

Feedback and Knowledge Base

Feedback i Base de Coneixement Approve this translation

You are about to delete your user profile. This cannot be undone!

Estàs a punt d'esborrar el seu perfil d'usuari. Això no es pot desfer! Approve this translation

To see ideas you have already voted on, select the "My feedback" filter and select "My open ideas".

Per veure les idees que ja han votat, seleccioneu l'opció "Els meus votacions" filtrar i seleccionar "Les meves idees obertes". Approve this translation

Don't see your idea?

No veus la teva idea? Approve this translation

More articles

Més articles Approve this translation

Due to merging votes from your duplicate users, you have used too many votes on certain forums.

A causa de la fusió dels vots dels usuaris duplicats, que ha pres massa vots en certs fòrums. Approve this translation

More ideas

Més idees Approve this translation

View all ideas in

Veure totes les idees en Approve this translation

View all ideas in %{forum}

Veure totes les idees en %{forum} Approve this translation

View all articles in %{section}

Veure tots els articles en %{section} Approve this translation

Delete comment from %{name} on %{time}

Eliminar comentari de %{name} en %{time} Approve this translation

Comments for %{title}

Comentaris per %{title} Approve this translation

Ideas similar to %{title}

Idees similars a %{title} Approve this translation

Admin page for %{title}

Pàgina d'administració per %{title} Approve this translation

View all articles in %{title}

Veure tots els articles en %{title} Approve this translation

View all articles

Veure tots els articles Approve this translation

More info

Més info Approve this translation

A user with the email address %{email} already exists. Please sign in.

Un usuari amb l'adreça de correu electrònic %{email} ja existeix. Si us plau, iniciar sessió Approve this translation

View all ideas in category %{category}

Veure totes les idees en la categoria %{category} Approve this translation

Uh-oh! Cookies are disabled. Access the feedback forum directly at %{forum_link} or enable cookies in your browser settings and refresh this page.

Uh-oh! Les galetes estan desactivades. Accedir al fòrum retroalimentació directament en %{forum_link} o activa les cookies i actualitza la pàgina. Approve this translation

No email address specified. Please try again.

Cap adreça de correu electrònic especificada. Torneu-ho de nou. Approve this translation

New comments

Nous comentaris Approve this translation

These are the terms of service for UserVoice, the service that powers this support portal, not for %{name} itself.

Aquests són els termes de servei de UserVoice, el servei que impulsa aquest portal de suport, no per %{name} en si. Approve this translation


classificat Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your comment?

Està segur que desitja eliminar el comentari? Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your idea?

Esteu segur que voleu suprimir la seva idea? Approve this translation

Since other people support this idea, you cannot delete it. However, you can remove yourself from this idea and it will be associated with 'Anonymous' Are you sure you want to remove yourself from this idea?

Atès que altres persones donen suport a aquesta idea, no es pot eliminar. Però, pot treure d'aquesta idea i se l'associa amb 'Anonymous' Està segur que desitja donar-se de baixa d'aquesta idea? Approve this translation

Delete suggestion %{suggestion}

Eliminar suggeriment %{suggestion} Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your comment?

Està segur que desitja eliminar el comentari? Approve this translation

Delete suggestion %{suggestion}

Eliminar suggeriment %{suggestion} Approve this translation

By signing up you agree to our %{link}.

Quan se subscriuen a vostè accepta la nostra %{link} . Approve this translation

terms of service

Termes de servei Approve this translation

%{num} person wants this

%{num} persona vol que això Approve this translation

%{num} people want this

%{num} la gent vol aquest Approve this translation

I support '%{title}' - what do you think?

Jo suport ' %{title} '- Què en penses? Approve this translation

If a similar idea already exists, you can support and comment on it.

Si ja hi ha una idea similar, es pot donar suport i fer comentaris al respecte. Approve this translation

If it doesn't exist, you can post your idea so others can support it.

Si no existeix, podràs publicar el teu suggeriment perquè altres puguin donar-li suport. Approve this translation

All the ideas you've supported or commented on.

Totes les idees que hi ha hagut suport o comentat. Approve this translation

All the ideas you've supported.

Totes les idees que has suportat. Approve this translation

%{user} supported this idea

%{user} donat suport a aquesta idea Approve this translation

%{user} supported this

%{user} donat suport a aquest Approve this translation

All the ideas you've supported or commented on across all forums.

Totes les idees que ha donat suport o comentat en tots els fòrums. Approve this translation

Looking for more articles? Find a topic in the sidebar.

Estàs buscant més articles? Trobar un tema a la barra lateral. Approve this translation

More information about the response to %{suggestion}

Més informació sobre la resposta a %{suggestion} Approve this translation

Enter current password

Introduïu la contrasenya actual Approve this translation

Enter your current password

Introduïu la contrasenya actual Approve this translation

Your new password must contain

La nova contrasenya ha de contenir Approve this translation