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How likely would you be to recommend %{site_name} to a friend or colleague?
Quina probabilitat hi ha de que recomani %{site_name} a un amic o col · lega?
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Great stuff!
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Si us plau, introdueixi una adreça e-mail vàlida
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Així que podem actualitzar vostè!
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Why did you pick that score?
Per què va triar aquesta puntuació?
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Do you still want to send us a message?
Encara vol enviar-nos un missatge?
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Do you still want to submit an idea?
Encara vol presentar una idea?
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Sending message
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Are any of these helpful?
Algun d'aquests útils?
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Edita missatge
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Missatge enviat!
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Can we ask a favor?
Podem demanar-li un favor?
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We'd really appreciate it if you would tweet your comments, too
Nosaltres agrairíem molt si ho faria Twitter seus comentaris, també
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Not likely
No és probable
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Very likely
Molt probablement
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Powered by %{link:UserVoice}
Powered by %{link:UserVoice}
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0 people %{heart:want} this idea
0 persones %{heart:volen} aquesta idea
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One person %{heart:want}s this idea
A una persona li %{heart:falta} es aquesta idea
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%{count} people %{heart:want} this idea
%{count} la gent %{heart:vol} aquesta idea
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You %{heart:want} this idea
Vostè %{heart:vol} que aquesta idea
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You and one other person %{heart:want} this idea
Vostè i una altra persona %{heart:vol que} aquesta idea
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You and %{count} other people %{heart:want} this idea
Vostè i %{count} altres persones %{heart:volen que} aquesta idea
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Your feedback has been posted to our %{link:feedback forum}
La seva regeneració s'ha publicat en el nostre %{link:fòrum de comentaris}
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