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Displaying 51 - 100 of 204

Grant private forum access to entire email domains (e.g., *

Concedeix accés al fòrum privat a totes les adreçes del domini (per exemple, * Approve this translation

Restrict access by email domain

Restringir accés per domini de correu Approve this translation

Advanced vote fraud settings

Configuració avançada de fraus als vots Approve this translation

Automatically replaces profane words with '*****'. (Currently English only.)

Reemplaça automàticament paraules malsonants amb '*****'. (De moment només anglès.) Approve this translation

Respond to ideas

Respondre idees Approve this translation

Email must be valid.

L'adreça de correu ha de ser vàlida. Approve this translation

is an admin

és administrador Approve this translation

Grant private forum access to specific IP addresses (e.g., your internal network).

Concedeix accés al fòrum privat a IPs específiques (per exemple, la teva xarxa interna). Approve this translation

Merge duplicate ideas with ease. (Votes from both ideas are combined.)

Uneix idees duplicades amb facilitat. (Els vots d'ambdues idees es combinaran.) Approve this translation


spam Approve this translation

Customize voting

Personalitzar les votacions Approve this translation

Domain aliasing

Àlies de dominis Approve this translation

White labeled

Marca blanca Approve this translation

Private forums

Fòrums privats Approve this translation

SSL encryption

Encriptació SSL Approve this translation


Administradors Approve this translation

This is the max number of administrators on your UserVoice feedback forum and ticketing system.

Aquest és el nombre màxim d'administradors que poden haver-hi al teu fòrum de feedback UserVoice i sistema de tiquets. Approve this translation

Continue reading

Seguir llegint Approve this translation

Idea has been merged into another idea

La idea s'ha combinat amb una altra idea Approve this translation

Idea is a duplicate

La idea està duplicada Approve this translation

Feedback for Facebook Plugin

Plugin de Feedback per Facebook Approve this translation

Single sign-on

Identificació única Approve this translation

I agree to the %{1:terms of service}

Accepto les %{1:Condicions del Servei} Approve this translation

You have run out of votes on this forum.

T'has quedat sense vots en aquest fòrum. Approve this translation

already has access

ja té accés Approve this translation

Set Password

Establir Contrasenya Approve this translation

You have run out of votes.

T'has quedat sense vots. Approve this translation


Estàndard Approve this translation

You must be an admin to access this!

3 Has de ser administrador per accedir-hi Approve this translation

You must be the account owner to access this!

Has de ser el propietari del compte per accedir-hi Approve this translation

Idea has been closed

La idea s'ha tancat Approve this translation

Idea attachments

Adjunts a la idea Approve this translation

Admins and optionally users can attach files to ideas.

Els Administradors i opcionalment els usuaris poden adjuntar arxius a les seves idees. Approve this translation

%{time} ago

fa %{time} Approve this translation

Forum: %{forum_name} %{forum_link}

Fòrum: %{forum_name} %{forum_link} Approve this translation


Ticketed Approve this translation

Change access to kudos.

Canvia l'accés als kudos. Approve this translation

Idea no longer exists

Aquesta idea ja no existeix Approve this translation

New Ticket Reply

Nova Resposta a Tiquet Approve this translation

New Comment

Nou Comentari Approve this translation

New Kudo

Nou Kudo Approve this translation

New Forum

Nou Fòrum Approve this translation

View this user in Inspector

Veure aquest usuari a l'inspector Approve this translation

All tickets

Tots els tiquets Approve this translation


No autoritzat Approve this translation

You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to the %{queue} Support Queue

Has rebut aquest missatge perquè estàs subscrit a la cua d'assistència %{queue} Approve this translation

You are receiving this message because you chose to get notified of tickets assigned to you

Has rebut aquest missatge perquè vas demanar que t'aviséssim dels tiquets que se t'assignaven Approve this translation

You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to unassigned tickets

Has rebut aquest missatge perquè estàs subscrit als tiquets sense assignar Approve this translation

You are receiving this message because you are subscribed to this ticket

Has rebut aquest missatge perquè estàs subscrit a aquest tiquet Approve this translation

You are receiving this message because you chose to get notified of all new tickets

Has rebut aquest missatge perquè vas demanar que et notifiquéssim de tots els tiquets nous Approve this translation