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1 pokrenuto Approve this translation

I suggest you ...

Predlažem vam... Approve this translation

Terms of service

uvjetima korištenja Approve this translation

subscription plan does not include domain aliasing

pretplatnička usluga ne uključuje aliase domena Approve this translation

does not belong to subdomain

ne pripada poddomeni Approve this translation

This forum has closed. No more voting is allowed.

1 Ovaj forum je zatvoren. Glasanje više nije dozvoljeno. Approve this translation


1 planirano Approve this translation


1 duplicirano Approve this translation

Password confirmation

Potvrdite lozinku Approve this translation


1 ostalo Approve this translation


Aktivnost Approve this translation

Customer Feedback for %{account_name}

Povratna informacija od korisnika za %{account_name} Approve this translation

under review

pod pregledom Approve this translation


1 odbijeno Approve this translation

Enter your idea

Ovdje unesite svoju ideju Approve this translation

resolves to '%{resolves_to}' instead of '%{host}'. Check your DNS settings.

pokazuje na %{resolves_to} umjesto na %{host}. Provjerite vaše DNS postavke. Approve this translation

is not resolving. It may take up to 72 hours for your DNS changes to propagate. %{link}

ne pokazuje nigdje. Može potrajati do 72 sata dok se vaše DNS promjene propagiraju svugdje. %{link} Approve this translation

Change Password

Promjeni lozinku Approve this translation


1 završeno Approve this translation

SSL encryption will keep your data secure.

SSL enkripcija će štititi vaše podatke. Approve this translation

%{feature_name} are not available on your current plan.

%{feature_name} nije dostupan na vašem tipu servisa. Approve this translation

iPhone Plugin

iPhone plugin Approve this translation

Crowdsourced moderation

Javno moderiranje Approve this translation

My tickets

Moji upiti Approve this translation

Everyone else

Svi ostali Approve this translation

Feedback Tab Widget

Feedback tab widget Approve this translation

is invalid

je nevažeće Approve this translation

Integrate UserVoice directly on your website.

Integrirajte UserVoice direktno na stranicu. Approve this translation

%{feature_name} is not available on your current plan.

%{feature_name} nije dostupan na vašem tipu servisa. Approve this translation

all values need to be unique

sve vrijednosti moraju biti jedinstvene Approve this translation

Merge ideas

Spoji ideje Approve this translation

You don't have access to this.

Nemate pristup ovom dijelu. Approve this translation


Opunomoćenik Approve this translation

Email must be present.

E-mail adresa mora biti navedena. Approve this translation

Restrict access by IP

Ograniči pristup po IP adresi Approve this translation

Full custom design

Prilagodi cijeli dizajn Approve this translation

you need to have at least one value

morate imati barem jednu vrijednost Approve this translation

Thank you for confirming your email address. Please create a password to protect your identity.

Hvala što ste potvrdili svoju e-mail adresu. Molimo, kreirajte lozinku da biste zaštitili svoj identitet. Approve this translation

already has an outstanding invitation

već ima neodgovorenu pozivnicu Approve this translation

Grant private forum access to entire email domains (e.g., *

Dopusti pristup forumu cijeloj email domeni (npr. * Approve this translation

Restrict access by email domain

Ograniči pristup po email domeni Approve this translation

Advanced vote fraud settings

Napredne postavke protiv manipuliranje glasovima Approve this translation

Automatically replaces profane words with '*****'. (Currently English only.)

Automatski zamijeni nepodobne riječi sa '*****'. (Trenutno samo na engleskom.) Approve this translation

Respond to ideas

Odgovori na ideje Approve this translation

Email must be valid.

Email mora biti točan. Approve this translation

is an admin

je administrator Approve this translation

Grant private forum access to specific IP addresses (e.g., your internal network).

Dopusti pristup privatnom forumu samo određenim IP adresama (npr. interna mreža). Approve this translation


1 spam Approve this translation

Customize voting

Prilagodi glasanje Approve this translation

Domain aliasing

Zamjenska domena Approve this translation