Clients - Touchpoint Toolkit

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Povratak Approve this translation


Obrada u tijeku Approve this translation


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1 Ups Approve this translation

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Upravo sada Approve this translation


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How likely would you be to recommend %{site_name} to a friend or colleague?

1 Koliko je vjerojatno da ćete preporučiti %{site_name} prijatelju ili kolegi? Approve this translation

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We'd really appreciate it if you would tweet your comments, too

Bili bismo vam zahvalani ako biste svoje komentare objavili na twitteru Approve this translation

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Nije vjerojatno Approve this translation

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Vrlo vjerojatno Approve this translation

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min Approve this translation

0 people %{heart:want} this idea

0 ljudi %{heart:žele} tu ideju Approve this translation

One person %{heart:want}s this idea

Jedna osoba %{heart:želi} tu ideju Approve this translation

%{count} people %{heart:want} this idea

%{count} ljudi %{heart:žele} tu ideju Approve this translation

You %{heart:want} this idea

%{heart:Želite} ovu ideju Approve this translation

You and one other person %{heart:want} this idea

Vi i još jedna osoba %{heart:želite} tu ideju Approve this translation

You and %{count} other people %{heart:want} this idea

Vi i %{count} drugih ljudi %{heart:žele} tu ideju Approve this translation

Your feedback has been posted to our %{link:feedback forum}

Vaša komentar je objavljen na našem %{link:feedback forumu} Approve this translation