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發表另一個建議 Approve this translation

Your votes will be returned when your ideas are closed by an admin

您的建議被管理員關閉時,你的票就會退還給您 Approve this translation

Please note that you are now out of votes for this forum. Your votes will be returned when your ideas are closed by an admin

1 請注意,您現在是本次論壇的選票。當你的想法是由管理員關閉,您的選票將被退回 Approve this translation

I still want to send a message

1 我仍然要發送訊息 Approve this translation

No results found

1 查尋無結果 Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:articles} that may help you faster than sending a message.

我們發現這個%{1:articles} ,或許可以比你發送訊息更快能幫助你 Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:articles} and %{2:related ideas} that may help you faster than sending a message.

我們發現%{1:文章}和%{2:相關的想法} ,或許可以比你發送訊息更快能幫助你 Approve this translation

We’ll get back to you shortly

1 我們會盡速回覆你 Approve this translation

More matches

更多符合的建議 Approve this translation

Your email address does not have access to this forum.

您的電子郵件地址沒有進入這個論壇的權限。 Approve this translation

%{num} ranked

%{num}排名 Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:relate ideas} that you may want to check out.

我們找到%{1:與想法} ,您可能有興趣看看。 Approve this translation


投票! Approve this translation

We’ll send you updates on this idea

我們會向您發送更新這個想法 Approve this translation

Required Consent

要求同意 Approve this translation

I agree to the storage of my email address, name, and IP address. This information and any feedback I provide may be used to inform product decisions and to notify me about product updates. (You can opt-out at any time.)

我同意存儲我的電子郵件地址,姓名和IP地址。這些信息和我提供的任何反饋都可用於通知產品決策並通知我有關產品更新的信息。 (你可以隨時退出。) Approve this translation

Sign in to give feedback

登入以提供反饋 Approve this translation

This is a private forum. Sign in with an approved profile to access.

這是一個私人論壇。使用已批准的配置文件登錄進行訪問。 Approve this translation

%{num} voter

%{num}選民 Approve this translation

%{num} voters

%{num}選民 Approve this translation


返回 Approve this translation


處理中 Approve this translation


1 沒有 Approve this translation

Admin response

1 管理者回應 Approve this translation


1 更多 Approve this translation


1 Approve this translation

Edit idea

編輯建議 Approve this translation

Invalid email address!

1 無效的電子郵件地址! Approve this translation


1 哎呦! Approve this translation

Just now

1 剛才 Approve this translation


1 昨天 Approve this translation

How likely would you be to recommend %{site_name} to a friend or colleague?

是否要將%{site_name}推薦給朋友或同事? Approve this translation

Great stuff!

好東西! Approve this translation


1 沒關係 Approve this translation

Send us a message

1 留言給我們 Approve this translation

Do you still want to submit an idea or send us a message?

你仍然要送出一個建議或留言給我們嗎? Approve this translation

Post an Idea

張貼建議 Approve this translation

Please enter a valid email address

1 請輸入一個有效的電子郵件地址 Approve this translation

Idea title

建議標題 Approve this translation

Please enter a title

1 請輸入標題 Approve this translation

Select a category

1 選擇一個類別 Approve this translation

So we can update you!

因此,我們可以更新你最新的狀況! Approve this translation

This field is required

這個區塊是必填的 Approve this translation

Select one

1 選擇一個 Approve this translation

No thanks

不用了,謝謝 Approve this translation

Enter your feedback

輸入您的建議 Approve this translation

Why did you pick that score?

你為什麼要選擇那個分數? Approve this translation

Do you still want to send us a message?

你還是想發送訊息給我們嗎? Approve this translation

Do you still want to submit an idea?

你仍然要提交一個建議? Approve this translation

Additional details

1 更多細節 Approve this translation