Categories allow you to organize ideas within your forums. Users can select which category their idea belongs to when suggesting ideas. |
分類允許您在您的論壇組織意見。在用戶發表建議時可以選擇屬於哪個分類。 | Approve this translation | |
is invalid |
1 | 是無效的 | Approve this translation |
Integrate UserVoice directly on your website. |
1 | 從你的網站直接整合Uservoice | Approve this translation |
%{feature_name} is not available on your current plan. |
1 | %{feature_name}你目前的方案並不支援 | Approve this translation |
all values need to be unique |
1 | 所有的值都必須為唯一值 | Approve this translation |
Merge ideas |
合併建議 | Approve this translation | |
Pre-moderation |
1 | 預審 | Approve this translation |
You don't have access to this. |
1 | 你沒有權限進入。 | Approve this translation |
Assignee |
1 | 受委託人 | Approve this translation |
Email must be present. |
1 | 電子信箱必須存在 | Approve this translation |
Restrict access by IP |
1 | 以IP限制存取權限 | Approve this translation |
Full custom design |
1 | 完全客制化設計 | Approve this translation |
you need to have at least one value |
1 | 您至少需要一個值 | Approve this translation |
Coming soon! Integrate UserVoice natively within your iPhone apps. |
1 | 在iPhone app中整合UserVoice. 即將上線! | Approve this translation |
Thank you for confirming your email address. Please create a password to protect your identity. |
1 | 謝謝您認證您的電子郵件位址。請建立一個密碼保護您的認證。 | Approve this translation |
already has an outstanding invitation |
1 | 有一個未回覆的邀請 | Approve this translation |
Grant private forum access to entire email domains (e.g., * |
1 | 一次給予整個電子郵件網域私人論壇的權限(例如, *。 | Approve this translation |
Restrict access by email domain |
1 | 利用電子郵件網域限制拜訪 | Approve this translation |
Advanced vote fraud settings |
1 | 投票欺詐的進階設定 | Approve this translation |
Automatically replaces profane words with '*****'. (Currently English only.) |
1 | 自動用'*****'替換褻瀆的話。 (目前只供英文) | Approve this translation |
Respond to ideas |
回應建議 | Approve this translation | |
Email must be valid. |
1 | 電子信箱必須有效 | Approve this translation |
is an admin |
1 | 是一個管理者 | Approve this translation |
Grant private forum access to specific IP addresses (e.g., your internal network). |
1 | 核准特定IP地址使用私人論壇(例如,您的內部網絡)。 | Approve this translation |
Merge duplicate ideas with ease. (Votes from both ideas are combined.) |
輕鬆地合併重複的建議(兩個建議的投票會相結合)。 | Approve this translation | |
spam |
1 | 垃圾訊息 | Approve this translation |
Customize voting |
投票設定 | Approve this translation | |
Domain aliasing |
1 | 網域別名 | Approve this translation |
White labeled |
1 | 白色標記 | Approve this translation |
Private forums |
1 | 私人論壇 | Approve this translation |
SSL encryption |
1 | SSL加密 | Approve this translation |
Administrators |
1 | 管理員 | Approve this translation |
This is the max number of administrators on your UserVoice feedback forum and ticketing system. |
1 | 這是您UserVoice意見回饋論壇和票務系統能設定的管理員最高人數。 | Approve this translation |
Continue reading |
1 | 繼續閱讀 | Approve this translation |
Idea has been merged into another idea |
建議已被合併至另一建議 | Approve this translation | |
Idea is a duplicate |
建議和另一個建議重複 | Approve this translation | |
Feedback for Facebook Plugin |
1 | 為Facebook外掛程式的意見回饋 | Approve this translation |
Single sign-on |
1 | 單點登錄 | Approve this translation |
I agree to the %{1:terms of service} |
1 | 我同意%{1:terms of service} | Approve this translation |
You have run out of votes on this forum. |
1 | 你在這個討論區已經用光所有投票數 | Approve this translation |
already has access |
1 | 已有使用權限 | Approve this translation |
Set Password |
設置密碼 | Approve this translation | |
You have run out of votes. |
1 | 你把可票數用完了 | Approve this translation |
Standard |
1 | 標準 | Approve this translation |
You must be an admin to access this! |
1 | 您必須是管理員才能進入這裡! | Approve this translation |
You must be the account owner to access this! |
2 | 您必須擁有一個帳號才能進入這裡! | Approve this translation |
Idea has been closed |
建議已經關閉 | Approve this translation | |
Idea attachments |
建議附件 | Approve this translation | |
Admins and optionally users can attach files to ideas. |
管理員和某些用戶可以將文件附加到建議中。 | Approve this translation | |
%{time} ago |
1 | %{time}前 | Approve this translation |