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1 spustený Approve this translation

I suggest you ...

1 Navrhujem Vám... Approve this translation

Terms of service

1 Pravidlá používania služby Approve this translation

subscription plan does not include domain aliasing

1 prihlasovací plán neobsahuje doménový aliasing Approve this translation

does not belong to subdomain

1 nepatrí do subdomény. Approve this translation

This forum has closed. No more voting is allowed.

Toto fórum bolo zatvorené. Hlasovanie už nie je povolené. Approve this translation


1 plánovaný Approve this translation


1 duplikát Approve this translation

Password confirmation

1 Potvrdenie hesla Approve this translation


1 iné Approve this translation


2 Činnosť Approve this translation

Customer Feedback for %{account_name}

1 Spätná väzba pre %{account_name} Approve this translation

under review

schvaľuje sa Approve this translation


1 zamietnutý Approve this translation

Enter your idea

1 Zadajte váš nápad Approve this translation

resolves to '%{resolves_to}' instead of '%{host}'. Check your DNS settings.

rieši sa '%{resolves_to}' namiesto '%{host}'. Skontrolujte si Vaše nastavenia DNS. Approve this translation

is not resolving. It may take up to 72 hours for your DNS changes to propagate. %{link}

nerieši sa. Môže trvať až 72 hodín, než sa Vaše zmeny DNS rozšíria. %{link} Approve this translation


1 dokončený Approve this translation

Multiple support options including 24/7 dedicated account management.

Viac možností podpory, vrátane 24/7 vyhradeného vedenia účtu. Approve this translation

Most accounts have one forum for general ideas and create additional forums to drill into topic with both your users and internal team.

Väčšina účtov má jedno fórum pre všeobecné nápady a ďalšie pre hlbší záber diskusie k témam so svojimi používateľmi a interným tímom. Approve this translation

SSL encryption will keep your data secure.

1 SSL šifrovanie udrží vaše dáta v bezpečí. Approve this translation

iPhone Plugin

iPhone Plugin Approve this translation

Crowdsourced moderation

Crowdsourcované moderovanie Approve this translation

My tickets

Moje tikety Approve this translation

Everyone else

1 Všetci ostatní Approve this translation

Feedback Tab Widget

Widget spätnej väzby Approve this translation

is invalid

je neplatné Approve this translation

%{feature_name} is not available on your current plan.

%{feature_name} nie je k dispozícii v aktuálnom pláne. Approve this translation

all values need to be unique

všetky hodnoty musia byť jedinečné Approve this translation

Merge ideas

1 Zlúčiť nápady Approve this translation


Oprávnený Approve this translation

Email must be present.

E-mail musí byť prítomný. Approve this translation

you need to have at least one value

potrebujete mať minimálne jednu hodnotu Approve this translation

Thank you for confirming your email address. Please create a password to protect your identity.

Ďakujeme za potvrdenie Vašej e-mailovej adresy. Prosím vytvorte si heslo na ochranu Vašej identity. Approve this translation

already has an outstanding invitation

už má čakajúce pozvanie Approve this translation

Email must be valid.

E-mail musí byť platný Approve this translation

is an admin

je administrátor Approve this translation


spam Approve this translation

This is the max number of administrators on your UserVoice feedback forum and ticketing system.

Toto je maximálny počet správcov vo Vašom UserVoice fóre spätnej väzby a tiketovom systéme. Approve this translation

Idea has been merged into another idea

Nápad sa spojil s iným nápadom Approve this translation

Idea is a duplicate

Nápad je duplikát Approve this translation

Single sign-on

Jediné prihlásenie Approve this translation

I agree to the %{1:terms of service}

Súhlasím s %{1:terms of service} Approve this translation

You have run out of votes on this forum.

Na tomto fóre už nemáte k dispozícii hlasy. Approve this translation

already has access

už má prístup Approve this translation

You have run out of votes.

Už nemáte ďalšie hlasy. Approve this translation

You must be an admin to access this!

1 Na prístup musíte byť správca! Approve this translation

You must be the account owner to access this!

1 Na prístup musíte byť majiteľom účtu! Approve this translation

Idea has been closed

Nápad bol uzavretý Approve this translation

New Ticket Reply

Nová odpoveď na tiket Approve this translation