Clients - Touchpoint Toolkit

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Nazaj Approve this translation


Obdelava Approve this translation


Ne Approve this translation

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2 Odgovor administratorja Approve this translation


1 več Approve this translation


1 Da Approve this translation

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Neveljaven e-naslov. Approve this translation


1 Ops Approve this translation

Just now

Ravnokar Approve this translation


1 Včeraj Approve this translation

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Kako verjetno je, da bi %{site_name} priporočili prijatelju ali sodelavcu? Approve this translation

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Odlične stvari! Approve this translation


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We'd really appreciate it if you would tweet your comments, too

Veseli bomo, če boste svoje komentarje objavili tudi na Tweeterju. Approve this translation

Not likely

Verjetno ne bo Approve this translation

Very likely

Zelo verjetno Approve this translation

Powered by %{link:UserVoice}

Powered by %{link:UserVoice} Approve this translation


min Approve this translation

0 people %{heart:want} this idea

0 ljudje %{heart:želijo} to idejo Approve this translation

One person %{heart:want}s this idea

Ena oseba %{heart:želijo} s to idejo Approve this translation

%{count} people %{heart:want} this idea

%{count} ljudje %{heart:želijo} to idejo Approve this translation

You %{heart:want} this idea

%{heart:Hočeš} to idejo Approve this translation

You and one other person %{heart:want} this idea

Vi in še ena oseba, ki %{heart:želijo} to idejo Approve this translation

You and %{count} other people %{heart:want} this idea

Vi in %{count} drugi ljudje %{heart:želijo} to idejo Approve this translation

Your feedback has been posted to our %{link:feedback forum}

Vaše povratne informacije so objavljene na naši %{link:povratne forumu} Approve this translation