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2 E-pošta Approve this translation


2 Geslo Approve this translation

Remember me

1 Zapomni si me Approve this translation

Change Password

Spremeni geslo Approve this translation

Sorry, we couldn't find your existing account on file.

1 Oprostite, nismo mogli najti vašega obstoječega profila. Approve this translation

Required, but not displayed

Zahtevano, vendar ni prikazano Approve this translation

or, sign in with

1 ali se vpišite z Approve this translation

Facebook appears to be momentarily down. Please try again in a few moments.

3 Facebook trenutno ni dosegljiv. Prosimo, poskusite čez nekaj trenutkov. Approve this translation

If checked, we'll remember your session for 2 weeks.

1 Če obkljukate, si bomo vašo sejo zapomnili 2 tedna. Approve this translation

Sign in to your profile.

1 Prijavi se v svoj profil. Approve this translation

I agree to the %{tos}

1 Strinjam se z %{tos} Approve this translation

Signed in as %{user}

1 Prijavljen kot %{user} Approve this translation

You aborted the sign-in process.

1 Prekinili ste postopek prijave. Approve this translation

Display name

1 Prikazno ime Approve this translation

Sorry about that, we couldn't log you in. Try to log in again.

3 Oprostite, vendar vas ne moremo prijaviti. Prosimo, poskusite ponovno. Approve this translation

Your UserVoice subdomain

Vaša UserVoice poddomena Approve this translation

Enter your email address

1 Vnesi svoj elektronski naslov Approve this translation

Sorry, we couldn't log you in.

1 Oprostite, nismo vas mogli vpisati. Approve this translation

Terms of Service

4 Pogoji uporabe Approve this translation


2 Ime Approve this translation

Your email address

1 Vaš elektronski naslov Approve this translation

Thanks for signing in, %{user}

1 Hvala za prijavo, %{user} Approve this translation

Set Password

Nastavi geslo Approve this translation

By signing in you agree to the Terms of Service

S prijavo se strinjate s pogoji storitve Approve this translation

Your email cannot be anonymous if you want to log in via Facebook.

Vaš email ne more biti anonimen, če se želite prijaviti preko Facebooka. Approve this translation

You need to provide a valid email address via Facebook.

Zagotoviti morate veljaven elektronski naslov preko Facebooka. Approve this translation

Sign in to your UserVoice profile

Prijavite se v svoj UserVoice profil Approve this translation

Sign in to your UserVoice account

Prijavite se v svoj UserVoice račun Approve this translation

Enter the email address you used

Vnesite e-poštni naslov, ki ste ga uporabili Approve this translation

We'll email you a list of UserVoice sites you have profiles on.

Po e-pošti vam bomo poslali seznam UserVoice strani kjer imate profile. Approve this translation

Email me my sites

Pošljite mi moje strani po emailu Approve this translation

Still having trouble?

Imate še vedno težave? Approve this translation

Contact UserVoice support

Kontaktiraj UserVoice podporo Approve this translation

Your UserVoice site URL

Vaš URL UserVoice strani Approve this translation

Go to my account

Pojdi na moj račun Approve this translation

Forgot your site's address?

Ste pozabili URL vaše strani? Approve this translation


1 Ok Approve this translation

OpenID authentication failed: %{message}

Preverjanje pristnosti ni uspelo OpenID: %{message} Approve this translation

OpenID authentication provider for %{provider} is currently unavailable

OpenID ponudnik za preverjanje pristnosti %{provider} trenutno ni na voljo Approve this translation

Only administrators can log in via this method. Please log in another way.

Na ta način se lahko prijavijo samo skrbniki. Prijavite se na drug način. Approve this translation

This %{provider} account is no good, it has no verified email address.

To %{provider} račun ni dober, nima preverjenega e-poštnega naslova. Approve this translation

Sorry about that, we couldn't log you in. Please try again.

Oprostite zaradi tega, se nismo mogli prijaviti. Poskusite znova. Approve this translation

New Password

novo geslo Approve this translation

Create an account

Ustvari račun Approve this translation

Display name (optional)

Prikazno ime (neobvezno) Approve this translation


Hura! Approve this translation

You're in, getting your page ready.

Ste že, pripravljate svojo stran. Approve this translation

Cookie access is needed in order to sign you in. Please update your privacy settings to enable cross-site tracking or try using a different browser.

Za prijavo potrebujete dostop do piškotkov. Posodobite nastavitve zasebnosti, da omogočite sledenje med spletnimi mesti, ali poskusite uporabiti drug brskalnik. Approve this translation

You do not have the necessary permissions to access this content.

Nimate potrebnih dovoljenj za dostop do te vsebine. Approve this translation

Sign in required to continue

Za nadaljevanje se morate prijaviti Approve this translation