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Displaying 51 - 100 of 857

Categories allow you to organize ideas within your forums. Users can select which category their idea belongs to when suggesting ideas.

Kategorije omogućuju vam da organizirate svoje ideje unutar foruma. Korisnici mogu odabrati koju kategoriju spada u njihova ideja kada sugerirajući ideje. Approve this translation

is invalid

je nevažeće Approve this translation

Integrate UserVoice directly on your website.

Integrirajte UserVoice direktno na stranicu. Approve this translation

%{feature_name} is not available on your current plan.

%{feature_name} nije dostupan na vašem tipu servisa. Approve this translation

all values need to be unique

sve vrijednosti moraju biti jedinstvene Approve this translation

Merge ideas

Spoji ideje Approve this translation


Pre-umjerenost Approve this translation

You don't have access to this.

Nemate pristup ovom dijelu. Approve this translation


Opunomoćenik Approve this translation

Email must be present.

E-mail adresa mora biti navedena. Approve this translation

Restrict access by IP

Ograniči pristup po IP adresi Approve this translation

Full custom design

Prilagodi cijeli dizajn Approve this translation

you need to have at least one value

morate imati barem jednu vrijednost Approve this translation

Coming soon! Integrate UserVoice natively within your iPhone apps.

Dolazi uskoro! Integracija UserVoice nativno unutar vašeg iPhone aplikacije. Approve this translation

Thank you for confirming your email address. Please create a password to protect your identity.

Hvala što ste potvrdili svoju e-mail adresu. Molimo, kreirajte lozinku da biste zaštitili svoj identitet. Approve this translation

already has an outstanding invitation

već ima neodgovorenu pozivnicu Approve this translation

Grant private forum access to entire email domains (e.g., *.youdomain.com).

Dopusti pristup forumu cijeloj email domeni (npr. *.domena.hr). Approve this translation

Restrict access by email domain

Ograniči pristup po email domeni Approve this translation

Advanced vote fraud settings

Napredne postavke protiv manipuliranje glasovima Approve this translation

Automatically replaces profane words with '*****'. (Currently English only.)

Automatski zamijeni nepodobne riječi sa '*****'. (Trenutno samo na engleskom.) Approve this translation

Respond to ideas

Odgovori na ideje Approve this translation

Email must be valid.

Email mora biti točan. Approve this translation

is an admin

je administrator Approve this translation

Grant private forum access to specific IP addresses (e.g., your internal network).

Dopusti pristup privatnom forumu samo određenim IP adresama (npr. interna mreža). Approve this translation

Merge duplicate ideas with ease. (Votes from both ideas are combined.)

Spajanje dva ideje s lakoćom. (Glasova iz obje ideje su u kombinaciji.) Approve this translation


1 spam Approve this translation

Customize voting

Prilagodi glasanje Approve this translation

Domain aliasing

Zamjenska domena Approve this translation

White labeled

Bijela označeni Approve this translation

Private forums

Privatni forum Approve this translation

SSL encryption

SSL zaštita Approve this translation


Administratori Approve this translation

This is the max number of administrators on your UserVoice feedback forum and ticketing system.

To je max broj administratora na forumu UserVoice povratne informacije i ticketing sustava. Approve this translation

Continue reading

Nastavite s čitanjem Approve this translation

Idea has been merged into another idea

Ova ideja je spojena s drugom idejom Approve this translation

Idea is a duplicate

Ideja je duplikat Approve this translation

Feedback for Facebook Plugin

Plugin za feedback preko Facebooka Approve this translation

Single sign-on

Jedinstvena prijava Approve this translation

I agree to the %{1:terms of service}

Slažem se sa %{1:terms of service} Approve this translation

You have run out of votes on this forum.

Ponestalo Vam je glasova na ovom forumu. Approve this translation

already has access

1 već ima pristup Approve this translation

Set Password

Postavi lozinku Approve this translation

You have run out of votes.

Ostali ste bez glasova. Approve this translation


Standard Approve this translation

You must be an admin to access this!

1 Morate biti admin za pristup ovom! Approve this translation

You must be the account owner to access this!

1 Morate biti vlasnik računa da biste pristupili ovom! Approve this translation

Idea has been closed

Ideja je zatvorena Approve this translation

Idea attachments

Ideja privitke Approve this translation

Admins and optionally users can attach files to ideas.

Administratori i po želji korisnik može priložiti datoteke ideja. Approve this translation

%{time} ago

%{time} prije Approve this translation