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SSL encryption will keep your data secure.

SSL zaščita bo pomagala ohraniti vaše podatke varne. Approve this translation

Email address

E-poštni naslov Approve this translation

iPhone Plugin

iPhone vtičnik Approve this translation

Crowdsourced moderation

Moderacija skupnosti Approve this translation

%{num} vote

1 %{num} glas Approve this translation

My tickets

Moji zahtevki Approve this translation

Everyone else

Vsi ostali Approve this translation

Categories allow you to organize ideas within your forums. Users can select which category their idea belongs to when suggesting ideas.

Kategorije vam omogočajo organizirati ideje znotraj foruma. Uporabniki lahko izberejo v katero kategorijo spada njihova ideja. Approve this translation

Profanity filter

Filter kletvic Approve this translation

Integrate UserVoice directly on your website.

Integrirajte UserVoice direktno na vašo spletno stran. Approve this translation

all values need to be unique

1 vse vrednosti morajo biti različne Approve this translation

Merge ideas

Združi ideje Approve this translation


Nedodeljeno Approve this translation

%{num} votes

%{num} glasov Approve this translation


Pred-moderacija Approve this translation

You don't have access to this.

Nimate dostopa do tega. Approve this translation

Email must be present.

1 Manjka elektronski naslov. Approve this translation

Restrict access by IP

Omeji dostop z IP naslovi Approve this translation

Full custom design

Celoten izgled po meri Approve this translation

you need to have at least one value

1 imeti morate vsaj eno vrednost Approve this translation

Coming soon! Integrate UserVoice natively within your iPhone apps.

Kmalu na voljo! Integrirajte UserVoice v vaše iPhone aplikacije. Approve this translation

Thank you for confirming your email address. Please create a password to protect your identity.

Hvala za potrditev vašega elektronskega naslova. Prosimo, ustvarite si geslo za zaščito vaše identitete. Approve this translation

already has an outstanding invitation

1 že ima izjemna povabila Approve this translation

Grant private forum access to entire email domains (e.g., *.youdomain.com).

Omogoči zaseben forum vsem e-poštnim domenam (npr.: *.vasadomena.com). Approve this translation

Custom Fields

Polja po meri Approve this translation

Restrict access by email domain

Omeji dostop z e-poštno domeno Approve this translation

Automatically replaces profane words with '*****'. (Currently English only.)

Samodejno zamenja kletvice z "*****". (Trenutno samo v Angleškem jeziku.) Approve this translation


2 Kanal Approve this translation

Respond to ideas

Odgovori na ideje Approve this translation

Email must be valid.

1 Elektronski naslov mora biti veljaven. Approve this translation

is an admin

1 je administrator Approve this translation

Grant private forum access to specific IP addresses (e.g., your internal network).

Omogoči dostop do zasebnega foruma na določenih IP naslovih (npr.: vaše notranje omrežje). Approve this translation

Merge duplicate ideas with ease. (Votes from both ideas are combined.)

Združi več idej z lahkoto. (Glasovi iz obej idej se združijo.) Approve this translation


1 potegavščina Approve this translation


1 več Approve this translation


2 Združeni Approve this translation

Customize voting

Prilagodi glasovanje Approve this translation

Private forums

Zasebni forumi Approve this translation

SSL encryption

SSL zaščita Approve this translation


2 ideje Approve this translation


2 ali Approve this translation

Terms of Service

4 Pogoji uporabe Approve this translation


Administratorji Approve this translation

This is the max number of administrators on your UserVoice feedback forum and ticketing system.

To je največje število administratorjev na vašem UserVoice forumu povratnih informacij in podpornem sistemu. Approve this translation

Continue reading

1 Nadaljuj branje Approve this translation

Idea has been merged into another idea

1 Ideja je bila združena z drugo idejo Approve this translation

Idea is a duplicate

1 Ideja je podvojena Approve this translation

Single sign-on

Enkraten vpis Approve this translation

Your name

1 Vaše ime Approve this translation

I agree to the %{1:terms of service}

1 Strinjam se s %{1:pogoji uporabe} Approve this translation