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We’ve found %{1:articles} and %{2:related ideas} that may help you faster than sending a message.

Našli smo, %{1:članke} in %{2:sorodnih idej}, ki vam lahko pomagajo hitreje kot pošiljanje sporočila. Approve this translation

We’ll get back to you shortly

Kmalu vam bomo odgovorili Approve this translation

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1 Več zadetkov Approve this translation

Uh-oh! Cookies are disabled. Access the feedback forum directly at %{forum_link} or enable cookies in your browser settings and refresh this page.

Uh-oh! Piškotki so onemogočeni. Dostopajte do foruma direktno na povezavi %{forum_link} ali omogočite piškotke v nastavitvah vašega brskalnika in osvežite to stran. Approve this translation

%{num} ranked

%{num} uvrstila Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your comment?

Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati komentar? Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your idea?

Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati svojo idejo? Approve this translation

Since other people support this idea, you cannot delete it. However, you can remove yourself from this idea and it will be associated with 'Anonymous' Are you sure you want to remove yourself from this idea?

Ker drugi ljudje podpirajo to idejo, ga ni mogoče izbrisati. Vendar pa si lahko sami odstranite iz te ideje in bo povezana z "Anonymous" Ali ste prepričani, da se želite odstraniti iz te ideje? Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:relate ideas} that you may want to check out.

Ugotovili smo, %{1:nanašajo idej,} da boste morda želeli preveriti. Approve this translation


Hvala! Approve this translation

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Prijavite se, če želite dati povratne informacije Approve this translation

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Vnesite geslo. Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your attachment?

Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati prilogo? Approve this translation

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Prosimo, prijavite se in pustite povratne informacije Approve this translation

We couldn't submit your score at this time.

Vašega rezultata trenutno nismo mogli poslati. Approve this translation