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%{num} related ideas

1 %{num} povezanih idej Approve this translation

Matches for '%{query}'

1 Zadetki za '%{query}' Approve this translation


1 iskanje Approve this translation

We couldn't submit your vote at this time.

Vašega glasu trenutno nismo mogli predložiti. Approve this translation

Send another message

1 Pošlji še eno sporočilo Approve this translation

Idea is closed

1 Ideja je zaprta Approve this translation

Sorry, we couldn't submit your request.

Oprostite, vašega zahtevka nismo mogli predložiti. Approve this translation

Choose a File

1 Izberi datoteko Approve this translation

Remove Attachment

Odstranite Priponko Approve this translation

Please sign in

1 Prijavite se v Approve this translation

Whoops! Please fill in all required fields before continuing.

Ups! Prosim vnesi vsa polje, preden nadaljuješ. Approve this translation

Whoops! You are attempting to upload a file that is too big. Please attach a smaller file and try again.

Ups! Poskušaš naložiti datoteko, ki je prevelika. Prosim, poskusi z manjšo datoteko. Approve this translation

Create a password to secure your profile. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to create your new password.

Ustvarite geslo za zavarovanje svojega profila. Prejeli boste potrditveno e-pošto s povezavo, na kateri ustvarite novo geslo. Approve this translation

Password-protect your profile to gain access

Z geslom zaščitite dostop do svojega profila Approve this translation

Server communication problems! Please try again.

Napaka pri komunikaciji s strežniki. Poskusi ponovno. Approve this translation

You must accept the terms to continue.

Strinjati se moraš s splošnimi pogoji. Approve this translation

Close window

1 Zapri okno Approve this translation

Post another idea

Oddaj drugo idejo Approve this translation

Your votes will be returned when your ideas are closed by an admin

Vaši glasovi se bodo povrnili, ko bo vaše ideje zaprl administrator Approve this translation

Error! Try again.

1 Napaka! Poskusi še enkrat. Approve this translation


Shranjevanje Approve this translation


Shranjeno Approve this translation

Passwords must match

Gesli se morata ujemati Approve this translation

Your password has been updated

1 Vaše geslo je bilo posodobljeno Approve this translation


1 Poslano! Approve this translation

Please note that you are now out of votes for this forum. Your votes will be returned when your ideas are closed by an admin

Prosimo vedite, da ste sedaj brez glasov za ta forum. Vaši glasovi se bodo povrnili, ko bo vaše ideje zaprl administrator Approve this translation

Sorry, we couldn't submit your idea since you're out of votes.

Oprostite, nismo mogli sprejeti vaše ideje, ker vam je zmanjkalo glasov. Approve this translation

I still want to send a message

Še vedno želim poslati sporočilo Approve this translation

No results found

1 Ni zadetkov Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:articles} that may help you faster than sending a message.

Našli smo, %{1:članke,} ki vam lahko pomagajo hitreje kot pošiljanje sporočila. Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:articles} and %{2:related ideas} that may help you faster than sending a message.

Našli smo, %{1:članke} in %{2:sorodnih idej}, ki vam lahko pomagajo hitreje kot pošiljanje sporočila. Approve this translation

We’ll get back to you shortly

Kmalu vam bomo odgovorili Approve this translation

More matches

1 Več zadetkov Approve this translation

Your email address does not have access to this forum.

1 Vaš e-poštni naslov nima dostopa do tega foruma. Approve this translation

Uh-oh! Cookies are disabled. Access the feedback forum directly at %{forum_link} or enable cookies in your browser settings and refresh this page.

Uh-oh! Piškotki so onemogočeni. Dostopajte do foruma direktno na povezavi %{forum_link} ali omogočite piškotke v nastavitvah vašega brskalnika in osvežite to stran. Approve this translation

%{num} ranked

%{num} uvrstila Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your comment?

Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati komentar? Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your idea?

Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati svojo idejo? Approve this translation

Since other people support this idea, you cannot delete it. However, you can remove yourself from this idea and it will be associated with 'Anonymous' Are you sure you want to remove yourself from this idea?

Ker drugi ljudje podpirajo to idejo, ga ni mogoče izbrisati. Vendar pa si lahko sami odstranite iz te ideje in bo povezana z "Anonymous" Ali ste prepričani, da se želite odstraniti iz te ideje? Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:relate ideas} that you may want to check out.

Ugotovili smo, %{1:nanašajo idej,} da boste morda želeli preveriti. Approve this translation


Glasoval! Approve this translation

We’ll send you updates on this idea

Poslali vam bomo posodobitve na tej ideji Approve this translation

Required Consent

Zahtevano soglasje Approve this translation

I agree to the storage of my email address, name, and IP address. This information and any feedback I provide may be used to inform product decisions and to notify me about product updates. (You can opt-out at any time.)

Strinjam se s shranjevanjem e-poštnega naslova, imena in naslova IP. Te informacije in povratne informacije, ki jih posredujem, se lahko uporabijo za obveščanje o odločitvah o izdelkih in za obveščanje o posodobitvah izdelkov. (Kadar koli lahko onemogočite možnost.) Approve this translation


Hvala! Approve this translation

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Prijavite se s Approve this translation

Sign in to give feedback

Prijavite se, če želite dati povratne informacije Approve this translation

Please enter a valid email address.

Vnesite veljaven elektronski naslov. Approve this translation

Please enter a password.

Vnesite geslo. Approve this translation

This is a private forum. Sign in with an approved profile to access.

To je zasebni forum. Za dostop se prijavite z odobrenim profilom. Approve this translation