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%{user} responded

%{user} je odgovoril/a Approve this translation

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If you see %{image} next to your name it means you either don't have a Gravatar for that email address or it is not rated G. Get one for free at %{link}.

1 Če vidite %{image} poleg vašega imena, pomeni da bodisi nimate Gravatarja za ta elektronski naslov ali pa ni ocenjen G. Pridobi si ga brezplačno na %{link}. Approve this translation

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1 generičen avatar Approve this translation


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1 Pravkar Approve this translation

We couldn't submit your vote at this time.

Vašega glasu trenutno nismo mogli predložiti. Approve this translation

%{1: Hot} %{2: ideas}

1 %{1:Vroče}%{2:ideje} Approve this translation

%{1: Top} %{2: ideas}

1 %{1:Top}%{2:ideje} Approve this translation

%{1: New} %{2: ideas}

1 %{1:Nove}%{2:ideje} Approve this translation


1 članki Approve this translation

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Sorry, we couldn't submit your request.

Oprostite, vašega zahtevka nismo mogli predložiti. Approve this translation

'%{title}' has been merged into this idea

3 "%{title}" Je bil združen v to idejo Approve this translation

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1 Ta ideja je %{status} - posodobljeno %{date} ago Approve this translation

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Odstranite Priponko Approve this translation

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Ups! Prosim vnesi vsa polje, preden nadaljuješ. Approve this translation

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Ups! Poskušaš naložiti datoteko, ki je prevelika. Prosim, poskusi z manjšo datoteko. Approve this translation

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1 Tvoj profil je nezaščiten Approve this translation

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Napaka pri komunikaciji s strežniki. Poskusi ponovno. Approve this translation

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Strinjati se moraš s splošnimi pogoji. Approve this translation

You've used all your votes and won't be able to post a new idea, but you can still search and comment on existing ideas.

Uporabili ste vse svoje glasove in ne boste mogli objaviti nove ideje, vendar še vedno lahko iščete in komentirate obstoječe ideje. Approve this translation

There are two ways to get more votes:

1 Obstajata dva načina, da bi dobili več glasov: Approve this translation

When an admin closes an idea you've voted on, you'll get your votes back from that idea.

Ko bo administrator zaprl idejo, za katero ste glasovali, boste dobili vaše glasove za to idejo nazaj. Approve this translation

You can remove your votes from an open idea you support.

Svoje glasove lahko iz odprte ideje, ki ste jo podprli, odstranite. Approve this translation

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1 zasebno Approve this translation


1 %{num} Approve this translation