An idea you support has been updated
Ideja podpirate je posodobljen
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An idea you follow has been closed.
Ideja slediš je bil zaprt.
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If you would like to stop receiving these emails you may %{link:remove your support from this idea}.
Če bi želeli več prejemati e-poštna sporočila lahko %{link:odstranite vašo podporo od te ideje.}
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If you would like to stop receiving these emails you may %{link:unsubscribe}.
Če bi želeli več prejemati e-poštna sporočila lahko %{link:odjavo.}
Approve this translation
%{name} has invited you to UserVoice!
%{name} vas je povabil na UserVoice!
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A link to the older version of this export is included below.
Spodaj je vključena povezava na starejšo različico tega izvoza.
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If you have any processes built around this, please update those to work with the new version above.
Če imate v zvezi s tem izdelane katerekoli procese, jih prosimo, da jih posodobite za novo zgoraj navedeno različico.
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This older version of the export will no longer be available after December 12, 2016.
Ta starejša različica izvoza ne bo več na voljo po 12. decembru 2016.
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Data import
Uvoz podatkov
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Your %{object_type} import has completed.
Tvoja %{object_type} uvoz je končan.
Approve this translation
1 record was successfully imported.
1 zapis je bil uspešno uvožen.
Approve this translation
%{imported_records} records were successfully imported.
%{imported_records} evidence so bile uspešno uvožene.
Approve this translation
1 record failed to be imported.
1 zapisa ni bilo mogoče uvoziti.
Approve this translation
%{failed_records} records failed to be imported.
%{failed_records} zapisi niso bili uvoženi.
Approve this translation
1 record was ignored after failing validation.
1 zapis ni bil upoštevan po neuspešnem preverjanju.
Approve this translation
%{ignored_records} records were ignored after failing validation.
%{ignored_records} zapisi so bili ignorirani po neuspešnem preverjanju.
Approve this translation
Status Update:
Stanje posodobitve:
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No captured text.
Ni zajetega besedila.
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User erasure and access report
Poročilo o brisanju in dostopu uporabnika
Approve this translation
These users have deleted themselves from your UserVoice site
Ti uporabniki so se izbrisali s spletnega mesta UserVoice
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These users have exported their feedback data
Ti uporabniki so poslali povratne podatke
Approve this translation
Action required to continue storing your personal information
Potrebno je ukrepanje za nadaljnje shranjevanje osebnih podatkov
Approve this translation
Feedback added %{text}
Dodane so povratne informacije %{text}
Approve this translation
If you want to delete a profile or account, please see our guide %{link:here}.
Če želite izbrisati profil ali račun, si oglejte naš vodnik %{link:tukaj} .
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Internal Status Update:
Notranja posodobitev stanja:
Approve this translation
Manage your notifications settings
Upravljajte nastavitve obvestil
Approve this translation
1 record was successfully deleted.
1 zapis je bil uspešno izbrisan.
Approve this translation
%{deleted_records} records were successfully deleted.
%{deleted_records} Zapisi so bili uspešno izbrisani.
Approve this translation
Approve this translation
The internal status has been updated on an idea you have captured customer feedback for.
Notranji status je bil posodobljen glede na idejo, za katero ste ujeli povratne informacije strank.
Approve this translation
The internal status has been updated on an idea you are following.
Notranji status je bil posodobljen za idejo, ki jo spremljate.
Approve this translation
You captured %{count} %{object_name} for this idea:
Ujeli ste %{count}%{object_name} za to idejo:
Approve this translation
piece of feedback
kos povratnih informacij
Approve this translation
pieces of feedback
koščki povratnih informacij
Approve this translation
The status has been updated on an idea you have captured customer feedback for:
Stanje je bilo posodobljeno na ideji, za katero ste ujeli povratne informacije strank:
Approve this translation
Access request to UserVoice
Zahteva za dostop do UserVoice
Approve this translation
Approve this translation
Final Reminder!
Končni opomnik!
Approve this translation
gave feedback about %{url}
podal povratne informacije o%{url}
Approve this translation
gave feedback
podal povratne informacije
Approve this translation
Approve this translation
Your export is now ready to be downloaded. Click the following link(s) to download your export.
Vaš izvoz je zdaj pripravljen za prenos. Kliknite naslednje povezave, da prenesete izvoz.
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UserVoice Team
Ekipa UserVoice
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Reported by %{n} user(s)
Poročal%{n} uporabnik(i)
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Contributor Feedback Extension
Razširitev za povratne informacije sodelavcev
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