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OpenID authentication failed: %{message}

Preverjanje pristnosti ni uspelo OpenID: %{message} Approve this translation

OpenID authentication provider for %{provider} is currently unavailable

OpenID ponudnik za preverjanje pristnosti %{provider} trenutno ni na voljo Approve this translation

Only administrators can log in via this method. Please log in another way.

Na ta način se lahko prijavijo samo skrbniki. Prijavite se na drug način. Approve this translation

This %{provider} account is no good, it has no verified email address.

To %{provider} račun ni dober, nima preverjenega e-poštnega naslova. Approve this translation

Sorry about that, we couldn't log you in. Please try again.

Oprostite zaradi tega, se nismo mogli prijaviti. Poskusite znova. Approve this translation

New Password

novo geslo Approve this translation

Create an account

Ustvari račun Approve this translation

Display name (optional)

Prikazno ime (neobvezno) Approve this translation


Hura! Approve this translation

You're in, getting your page ready.

Ste že, pripravljate svojo stran. Approve this translation

Cookie access is needed in order to sign you in. Please update your privacy settings to enable cross-site tracking or try using a different browser.

Za prijavo potrebujete dostop do piškotkov. Posodobite nastavitve zasebnosti, da omogočite sledenje med spletnimi mesti, ali poskusite uporabiti drug brskalnik. Approve this translation

You do not have the necessary permissions to access this content.

Nimate potrebnih dovoljenj za dostop do te vsebine. Approve this translation

Sign in required to continue

Za nadaljevanje se morate prijaviti Approve this translation

Remember Me

Zapomni si me Approve this translation

Oh no! There's a problem with that Slack workspace

Oh ne! Prišlo je do težave s tem delovnim prostorom Slack Approve this translation

You have some options. You can try:

Imate nekaj možnosti. Lahko poskusite: Approve this translation

Signing in with a different Workspace

Prijava z drugim delovnim prostorom Approve this translation

Using a different sign in method

Uporaba drugačne metode prijave Approve this translation

%{link:Adding a new Workspace} to UserVoice

%{link:Dodajanje novega delovnega prostora} v UserVoice Approve this translation

Please enter your password.

Prosimo vnesite svoje geslo. Approve this translation

Verify Email

preveri email Approve this translation

We need to verify your email first before resetting your password

Pred ponastavitvijo gesla moramo najprej preveriti vaš e -poštni naslov Approve this translation

We need to verify your email first before creating your account

Preden ustvarite svoj račun, moramo najprej preveriti vaš e -poštni naslov Approve this translation

First things first!

Najprej najprej! Approve this translation

Create Account

Ustvari račun Approve this translation

Let\'s create your account!

Ustvarimo svoj račun! Approve this translation

Please enter a valid password.

Vnesite veljavno geslo. Approve this translation

Passwords must match.

Geslo se mora ujemati. Approve this translation

Go to login

Pojdite na prijavo Approve this translation

Go to settings

Pojdite na nastavitve Approve this translation

Current Password

trenutno geslo Approve this translation

Reset Password

Ponastavitev gesla Approve this translation

Show more login options

Pokaži več možnosti prijave Approve this translation

Show fewer login options

Pokaži manj možnosti za prijavo Approve this translation

New here?

Nov tukaj? Approve this translation

Forgot Password?

Ste pozabili geslo? Approve this translation

Administrators can not log in via this method. Please log in another way.

Administratorji se ne morejo prijaviti na ta način. Prijavite se na drug način. Approve this translation