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E-mail Approve this translation


1 Parool Approve this translation

Remember me

1 Mäleta mind Approve this translation

Change Password

Muuda salasõna Approve this translation

Sorry, we couldn't find your existing account on file.

Vabandame, me ei leidnud sinu kasutajakontot. Approve this translation

Required, but not displayed

Nõutud, kuid ei näidata Approve this translation

or, sign in with

või sisene Approve this translation

Facebook appears to be momentarily down. Please try again in a few moments.

Facebook hetkel ei tööta. Proovi varsti uuesti. Approve this translation

If checked, we'll remember your session for 2 weeks.

Sinu sessioon salvestatakse kaheks nädalaks. Approve this translation

Sign in to your profile.

Logi sisse Approve this translation

I agree to the %{tos}

Nõustun tingimustega %{tos} Approve this translation

Signed in as %{user}

Sisseloginud kui %{user} Approve this translation

You aborted the sign-in process.

1 Sa katkestasid sisselogimise. Approve this translation

Display name

1 Kuvatav nimi Approve this translation

Sorry about that, we couldn't log you in. Try to log in again.

Vabandame, sisselogimine ebaõnnestus. Palun proovi uuesti. Approve this translation

Your UserVoice subdomain

Sinu UserVoice alamdomeen Approve this translation

Enter your email address

Sisesta oma e-posti aadress Approve this translation

Sorry, we couldn't log you in.

Vabandame, me ei saanud sind sisselogida. Approve this translation

Terms of Service

1 Teenuse tingimused Approve this translation


Nimi Approve this translation

Your email address

1 Sinu e-posti aadress Approve this translation

Thanks for signing in, %{user}

Täname, et logisid sisse, %{user} Approve this translation

Set Password

Määra parool Approve this translation

By signing in you agree to the Terms of Service

Sisse logides nõustud sa kasutustingimustega Approve this translation

Your email cannot be anonymous if you want to log in via Facebook.

Sinu e-post ei saa olla anonüümne kui tahad Facebooki abil sisse logida. Approve this translation

You need to provide a valid email address via Facebook.

Sa pead andma Facebook'i kaudu kehtiva e-posti aadressi. Approve this translation

Sign in to your UserVoice profile

Logi oma UserVoice Porfiili Approve this translation

Sign in to your UserVoice account

Logi oma UserVoice konto Approve this translation

Enter the email address you used

Sisestage e-posti aadress, mida kasutatakse Approve this translation

We'll email you a list of UserVoice sites you have profiles on.

Saadame sulle nimekirja UserVoice saite profiilid. Approve this translation

Email me my sites

Saada mulle minu sites Approve this translation

Still having trouble?

Ikka veel on probleeme? Approve this translation

Contact UserVoice support

Võta UserVoice toetust Approve this translation

Your UserVoice site URL

Sinu UserVoice saidi URL Approve this translation

Go to my account

1 Mine minu kontole Approve this translation

Forgot your site's address?

Unustasid oma saidi aadressi? Approve this translation


Korras Approve this translation

OpenID authentication failed: %{message}

OpenID autentimine ebaõnnestus: %{message} Approve this translation

OpenID authentication provider for %{provider} is currently unavailable

OpenID autentimine pole teenusepakkuja %{provider} jaoks hetkel kättesaadav Approve this translation

Only administrators can log in via this method. Please log in another way.

Ainult administraatorid saavad selle meetodi abil sisse logida. Logige sisse muul viisil. Approve this translation

This %{provider} account is no good, it has no verified email address.

See %{provider} konto pole hea, sellel ei ole kinnitatud e-posti aadressi. Approve this translation

Sorry about that, we couldn't log you in. Please try again.

Vabandust, me ei saanud teid sisse logida. Palun proovige uuesti. Approve this translation

New Password

uus salasõna Approve this translation

Create an account

Loo konto Approve this translation

Display name (optional)

Kuvatav nimi (valikuline) Approve this translation


Hurraa! Approve this translation

You're in, getting your page ready.

Oled sees ja paned oma lehe valmis. Approve this translation

Cookie access is needed in order to sign you in. Please update your privacy settings to enable cross-site tracking or try using a different browser.

Sisselogimiseks on vaja juurdepääsu küpsistele. Värskendage oma privaatsusseadeid saidiülese jälgimise lubamiseks või proovige kasutada mõnda muud brauserit. Approve this translation

You do not have the necessary permissions to access this content.

Teil pole selle sisu juurde pääsemiseks vajalikke õigusi. Approve this translation

Sign in required to continue

Jätkamiseks on vaja sisse logida Approve this translation