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You've revoked the token for %{application}

2 Tu atsauci %{application} žetonu Approve this translation


Noraidīt Approve this translation

Facebook appears to be momentarily down. Please try again in a few moments.

2 Izskatās, ka Facebook nedarbojas. Nu neko, pagaidi un mēģini vēlreiz. Approve this translation

Authorize Application

Autorizē lietojumprogrammu Approve this translation

The application %{name} would like the ability to <strong>access and update</strong> your data on UserVoice.

Programma %{name} vēlas piekļūt un atjaunot Jūsu datus UserVoice sistēmā Approve this translation

Sorry about that, we couldn't log you in. Try to log in again.

Piedod, bet nesanāca Tevi ielogot. Mēģini vēlreiz! Approve this translation

Your email cannot be anonymous if you want to log in via Facebook.

Jūsu e-pasts nevar būt anonīms, ja jūs vēlaties pieteikties, izmantojot Facebook. Approve this translation

You need to provide a valid email address via Facebook.

Jums ir nepieciešams, lai sniegtu derīgu e-pasta adresi, izmantojot Facebook. Approve this translation

Allow <strong>%{name}</strong> access to your UserVoice profile?

Atļaut %{name} piekļūt jūsu UserVoice profilu? Approve this translation

Allow access

Atļaut piekļuvi Approve this translation

OpenID authentication failed: %{message}

OpenID autentifikācija neizdevās: %{message} Approve this translation

OpenID authentication provider for %{provider} is currently unavailable

OpenID autentifikācijas sniedzējs %{provider} pašlaik nav pieejama Approve this translation

Only administrators can log in via this method. Please log in another way.

Ar šo metodi var pieteikties tikai administratori. Lūdzu, piesakieties citā veidā. Approve this translation

This %{provider} account is no good, it has no verified email address.

Tas %{provider} konts nav labs, tai nav verificētas e-pasta adreses. Approve this translation

Sorry about that, we couldn't log you in. Please try again.

Atvainojiet par to, ka mēs nevarējām jūs pierakstīties. Lūdzu, mēģiniet vēlreiz. Approve this translation

Administrators can not log in via this method. Please log in another way.

Administratori nevar pieteikties, izmantojot šo metodi. Lūdzu, piesakieties citā veidā. Approve this translation


uzsākts Approve this translation

I suggest you ...

Es iesaku ... Approve this translation

Terms of service

Pakalpojuma noteikumi Approve this translation

subscription plan does not include domain aliasing

plāns neietver domēnu aizstājvārdu lietošanu Approve this translation

does not belong to subdomain

nepieder apakšdomēnam Approve this translation

This forum has closed. No more voting is allowed.

2 Forums ir slēgts. Balsošana vairs nav atļauta. Approve this translation


plānots Approve this translation


dublikāts Approve this translation

Password confirmation

Paroles apstiprinājums Approve this translation


cits Approve this translation


Aktivitāte Approve this translation

Customer Feedback for %{account_name}

Klientu atsauksmes %{account_name} Approve this translation

under review

tiek izskatīts Approve this translation


noraidīts Approve this translation

Enter your idea

Uzraksti savu ideju Approve this translation

resolves to '%{resolves_to}' instead of '%{host}'. Check your DNS settings.

atver '%{resolves_to}' nevis '%{host}'. Pārbaudi savus DNS iestatījumus. Approve this translation

is not resolving. It may take up to 72 hours for your DNS changes to propagate. %{link}

1 nav atrodams. DNS izmaiņu stāšanās spēkā var ilgt līdz 72 stundām. %{link} Approve this translation

Change Password

Izmainīt Paroli Approve this translation


pabeigts Approve this translation

Have your forum setup on your own domain (ex: feedback.yourdomain.com). Preserves your brand experience and adds value SEO by putting user generated content on your domain

Izveidojiet forumu pats zem sava domēna (piem., feedback.yourdomain.com). Tas nāks par labu jūsu zīmolam un SEO, ka lietotāja radīts saturs būs pieejams uzreiz jūsu lapā Approve this translation

Your users can transition seamlessly from your site to UserVoice without any registration required. This greatly lowers the barrier to giving feedback. Your users profiles and avatars can be integrated into UserVoice for a more seamless user experience.

Jūsu lietotāji var nemanāmi un bez reģistrēšanās nonākt no jūsu vietnes uz UserVoice. Tas ievērojami samazina šķēršļus atsauksmju sniegšanai. Vēl kvalitatīvākai lietotāju pieredzei Jūsu lietotāju profilus un avatarus var integrēt pašā UserVoice sistēmā. Approve this translation

Each voter is granted 10 votes (per forum) to spend on ideas they support. This forces people to focus on their top ideas which yields higher quality feedback. With this option you can set the number of votes each voter gets on a per forum basis.

Katram lietotājam tiek piešķirtas 10 balsis, ko tas var piešķirt tām idejām, kuras atbalsta. Tas liek cilvēkiem koncentrēties uz savām galvenajām idejām, kas dod kvalitātes paaugstināšanās atsauksmes. Ar šo opciju jūs varat iestatīt balsu skaitu katram vēlētājam grasas uz vienu foruma pamata. Approve this translation

Some things are best discussed privately. You can limit a forum by email address, by email domain or through Single Sign-On.

Dažas lietas ir vislabāk apspriest privāti. Jūs varat ierobežot forumu ar e-pasta adresi, ar e-pasta domēnu vai izmantojot Single Sign-On. Approve this translation

Your customers won't even need to know that they've left your site. Configure your UserVoice design (headers, footers, and CSS) to match your existing look-and-feel.

Jūsu klientiem nebūs pat jāzina, ka viņi atstāj jūsu veidlapu. Konfigurējiet savu UserVoice dizainu (galvenes, kājenes un CSS), lai atbilstu jūsu pašreizējam izskatam un sajūtai. Approve this translation

Multiple support options including 24/7 dedicated account management.

Vairākas atbalsta iespējas, ieskaitot 24/7 īpašā konta pārvaldību. Approve this translation

Most accounts have one forum for general ideas and create additional forums to drill into topic with both your users and internal team.

Lielākajai daļai kontu ir viens forums vispārīgām idejām un papildus forumi tiek radīti, lai detalizētāk apskatītu kādu tēmu ar lietotājiem un iekšējo komandu. Approve this translation

SSL encryption will keep your data secure.

SSL šifrēšana nodrošinās jūsu datu drošību. Approve this translation

%{feature_name} are not available on your current plan.

%{feature_name} nav pieejama jūsu pašreizējo plānu. Approve this translation

Adds granular control over how the vote fraud detector works.

Piebilst granulveida kontroli pār to, kā balsojums krāpšanu detektors darbojas. Approve this translation

iPhone Plugin

IPHONE Plugin Approve this translation

Crowdsourced moderation

Crowdsourced mērenība Approve this translation

My tickets

Manas biļetes Approve this translation

Everyone else

Visi pārējie Approve this translation

Feedback Tab Widget

Atsauksmes Tab logrīku Approve this translation