Clients - Feedback & Help Center

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Displaying 51 - 100 of 315

%{user} responded

1 %{user} 回應了 Approve this translation

Show previous admin responses

1 顯示之前的管理員回應 Approve this translation

Post comment

1 貼上評論 Approve this translation


1 送出中... Approve this translation

Admin →

1 管理 → Approve this translation

New and returning users may sign in

1 新的和重複的使用者可登入 Approve this translation

Status updates

1 狀態更新 Approve this translation

If you see %{image} next to your name it means you either don't have a Gravatar for that email address or it is not rated G. Get one for free at %{link}.

1 假如你看見 %{image} 在你的名字旁邊, 這表示你可能沒有一個顯示圖像代表這個電子信箱或是他的等級不到G. 到 %{link} 取得一個免費的吧! Approve this translation

generic avatar

1 通用的線上化身 Approve this translation


1 檔案 Approve this translation

edit name

1 編輯名字 Approve this translation

Your title

1 你的標題 Approve this translation

edit title

1 編輯標題 Approve this translation

edit email

1 編輯電子信箱 Approve this translation

Delete my profile

1 刪除我的個人檔案 Approve this translation

Your profile has been deleted!

1 你的檔案資料已經被刪除! Approve this translation

Awaiting moderator approval

1 等待審核者的同意 Approve this translation

edit language

1 編輯語言 Approve this translation

Just Now

1 此刻 Approve this translation

We couldn't submit your vote at this time.

1 我們現在無法送出你的投票 Approve this translation

%{1: Hot} %{2: ideas}

%{1: 熱門} %{2: 建議} Approve this translation

%{1: Top} %{2: ideas}

%{1: 票數最多的} %{2: 建議} Approve this translation

%{1: New} %{2: ideas}

%{1: 最新建議} %{2: } Approve this translation


1 文章 Approve this translation

View %{caption}

1 閱覽 %{caption} Approve this translation

Download %{caption}

1 下載 %{caption} Approve this translation

Sorry, we couldn't submit your request.

1 對不起, 我們無法送出你的請求 Approve this translation

'%{title}' has been merged into this idea

“%{title}”已被合併到這個建議 Approve this translation

Back to %{site}

2 回到%{site} Approve this translation


1 已更新 Approve this translation

This idea is %{status} - updated %{date} ago

這個建議目前是%{status} - 更新於%{date}前 Approve this translation

Choose a File

1 選擇一個檔案 Approve this translation

Remove Attachment

1 移除附件 Approve this translation

Closed ideas

已關閉的建議 Approve this translation

Whoops! Please fill in all required fields before continuing.

1 請填寫所有必填欄位,然後再繼續。 Approve this translation

Whoops! You are attempting to upload a file that is too big. Please attach a smaller file and try again.

1 糟糕! 您正試圖上傳一個過大的檔案。請附上小一點的檔案,然後再試一次。 Approve this translation

Your profile is unprotected

1 您的個人資料目前不受保護 Approve this translation

Server communication problems! Please try again.

1 與伺服器連線有狀況!請再試一次。 Approve this translation

You must accept the terms to continue.

1 你必須接受條款才能繼續。 Approve this translation

You've used all your votes and won't be able to post a new idea, but you can still search and comment on existing ideas.

1 您已經用完所有的選票,將無法發表新的建議,但您仍然可以搜尋和評論現有的建議。 Approve this translation

There are two ways to get more votes:

2 有兩種方法可以得到更多的選票: Approve this translation

When an admin closes an idea you've voted on, you'll get your votes back from that idea.

當管理員關閉一個你投票的建議,你投給那個建議的選票就會被歸還 Approve this translation

You can remove your votes from an open idea you support.

你可以從一個已支持的建議中移除選票 Approve this translation

Post a new idea

1 發表一個新的建議 Approve this translation

Contact support

1 聯絡我們 Approve this translation

Give feedback

提供建議 Approve this translation


1 熱門 Approve this translation


1 最新 Approve this translation


1 私人 Approve this translation


1 %{num} Approve this translation