Set Password |
設置密碼 | Approve this translation | |
OpenID authentication failed: %{message} |
OpenID身份驗證失敗: %{message} | Approve this translation | |
OpenID authentication provider for %{provider} is currently unavailable |
OpenID身份驗證提供程序%{provider}目前無法使用 | Approve this translation | |
Only administrators can log in via this method. Please log in another way. |
只有管理員可以通過此方法登錄。請用另一種方式登錄。 | Approve this translation | |
This %{provider} account is no good, it has no verified email address. |
這個%{provider}帳戶不好,它沒有經過驗證的電子郵件地址。 | Approve this translation | |
Sorry about that, we couldn't log you in. Please try again. |
對不起,我們無法登錄,請重試。 | Approve this translation | |
New Password |
新密碼 | Approve this translation | |
Create an account |
創建一個帳戶 | Approve this translation | |
Display name (optional) |
顯示名稱(可選) | Approve this translation | |
Hooray! |
萬歲! | Approve this translation | |
You're in, getting your page ready. |
您正在準備頁面。 | Approve this translation | |
Cookie access is needed in order to sign you in. Please update your privacy settings to enable cross-site tracking or try using a different browser. |
需要Cookie訪問才能登錄。請更新您的隱私設置以啟用跨站點跟踪,或嘗試使用其他瀏覽器。 | Approve this translation | |
You do not have the necessary permissions to access this content. |
您沒有訪問此內容的必要權限。 | Approve this translation | |
Sign in required to continue |
需要登錄才能繼續 | Approve this translation | |
Remember Me |
記住賬號 | Approve this translation | |
Oh no! There's a problem with that Slack workspace |
不好了! Slack 工作區有問題 | Approve this translation | |
You have some options. You can try: |
你有一些選擇。你可以試試: | Approve this translation | |
Signing in with a different Workspace |
使用不同的工作區登錄 | Approve this translation | |
Using a different sign in method |
使用不同的登錄方法 | Approve this translation | |
%{link:Adding a new Workspace} to UserVoice |
向 UserVoice%{link:添加新工作區} | Approve this translation | |
Please enter your password. |
請輸入您的密碼。 | Approve this translation | |
Verify Email |
驗證郵件 | Approve this translation | |
We need to verify your email first before resetting your password |
在重置密碼之前,我們需要先驗證您的電子郵件 | Approve this translation | |
We need to verify your email first before creating your account |
在創建您的帳戶之前,我們需要先驗證您的電子郵件 | Approve this translation | |
First things first! |
第一件事! | Approve this translation | |
Create Account |
創建賬戶 | Approve this translation | |
Let\'s create your account! |
讓我們創建您的帳戶! | Approve this translation | |
Please enter a valid password. |
請輸入有效密碼。 | Approve this translation | |
Passwords must match. |
密碼必須匹配。 | Approve this translation | |
Go to login |
去登錄 | Approve this translation | |
Go to settings |
前往設置 | Approve this translation | |
Current Password |
當前密碼 | Approve this translation | |
Reset Password |
重設密碼 | Approve this translation | |
Show more login options |
顯示更多登錄選項 | Approve this translation | |
Show fewer login options |
顯示更少的登錄選項 | Approve this translation | |
New here? |
新來的? | Approve this translation | |
Forgot Password? |
忘記密碼? | Approve this translation | |
Administrators can not log in via this method. Please log in another way. |
管理員無法透過此方法登入。請使用其他方式登入。 | Approve this translation |