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Request an export of your data to receive a copy of all content you have submitted to UserVoice.

Taotlege oma andmete eksportimist, et saada kogu UserVoice'ile saadetud sisu koopia. Approve this translation

All the ideas supported by people at %{account_name}

Kõik ideed, mida inimesed toetavad %{account_name} Approve this translation

You have been %{action} notifications about this idea. %{link:Undo}

Te olete olnud %{action} teated selle idee kohta. %{link:Tühistamine} Approve this translation

Your ideas that others have supported and all comments will be attributed to "Anonymous". Your ideas without support will be deleted. Your email address and personal data will be removed from existing tickets.

Teie ideed, mida teised toetasid, ja kõik kommentaarid antakse anonüümseks. Teie ideed ilma toetuseta kustutatakse. Teie e-posti aadress ja isikuandmed eemaldatakse olemasolevatest piletitest. Approve this translation

Consent confirmation

1 Nõusoleku kinnitus Approve this translation

Thank you for providing your consent.

Tänan teid oma nõusoleku andmise eest. Approve this translation


Igasugune staatus Approve this translation

Action required

1 Vajalik tegevus Approve this translation

We are now required to have consent to store personal data. Since you already have data stored on this site, please select one of the following:

Nüüd peame nõustuma isikuandmete salvestamisega. Kuna teil on sellel saidil andmed juba salvestatud, valige üks järgmistest: Approve this translation

%{strong_text:I agree} to the storage of my email address, name, and IP address. This information and any feedback I provide may be used to inform product decisions and to notify me about product updates. (You can opt-out at any time.)

%{strong_text:Nõustun} oma e-posti aadressi, nime ja IP-aadressi salvestamisega. Seda teavet ja kogu antud tagasisidet saab kasutada tooteotsuste teavitamiseks ja tootearenduste tutvustamiseks. (Võite loobuda igal ajal.) Approve this translation

%{strong_text:I do not agree} to the storage of my personal information, and <span class="warning-text">I wish to delete my feedback profile and all personal data from this site.</span>

%{strong_text:Ma ei nõustu} oma isiklike andmete säilitamisega ja sooviks kustutada oma tagasisideprofiili ja kõik sellelt saidilt pärinevad isikuandmed. Approve this translation

Please note that if you do not select an option, we will be required to delete your feedback profile and personal information

Pidage meeles, et kui te valikut ei vali, peate me tagasisideprofiili ja isikuandmete kustutama Approve this translation

%{strong_text:I agree} to the %{link:terms of service}.

%{strong_text:Nõustun} %{link:teenusetingimustega} . Approve this translation

Opens in new window

1 Avaneb uues aknas Approve this translation

All of your personal information, including email address, name, and IP address will be deleted from this site. Any feedback you have provided that others have supported will be attributed to "Anonymous". All of your ideas without support will be deleted.

Kõik teie isiklikud andmed, sealhulgas e-posti aadress, nimi ja IP-aadress kustutatakse sellelt saidilt. Kõik tagasiside, mille olete andnud, et teised on toetanud, antakse anonüümseks. Kõik teie ideed ilma toetuseta kustutatakse. Approve this translation


Aitäh Approve this translation


KÕIK KATEGOORIA Approve this translation

Would you like to change your language preference from %{userLocale} (%{userLocaleShort}) to %{requestedLocale} (%{requestedLocaleShort})?

Kas soovite oma keeleeelistust muuta? %{userLocale} ( %{userLocaleShort} ) kuni %{requestedLocale} ( %{requestedLocaleShort} )? Approve this translation

New and returning users may sign in to UserVoice

Uued ja tagastatavad kasutajad võivad sisse logida UserVoice'i Approve this translation

Sign in with

Logi sisse Approve this translation

Email notifications for ideas you support

E-posti teatised teie toetatavate ettepanekute kohta Approve this translation

Your idea was submitted. Thanks for your feedback!

Teie idee esitati. Täname tagasiside eest! Approve this translation

Please enter a valid email address.

Palun sisesta korrektne e-posti aadress. Approve this translation

Please enter a password.

Palun sisesta parool. Approve this translation

This idea can no longer be edited.

Seda ettepanekut ei saa enam muuta. Approve this translation

Update idea

Uuenda ettepanekut Approve this translation

An error occurred while saving the comment

Kommentaari salvestamisel tekkis tõrge Approve this translation

(Edited by admin)

(Muudetu admini poolt) Approve this translation

Jump to Another Forum

Mine teise foorumisse Approve this translation

Edit notification settings

Muutda oma teatise seadeid Approve this translation

1 search result

1 1 otsingutulem Approve this translation

Settings and activity

Seadistused ja tegevus Approve this translation

Translate Ideas and Comments

Tõlkige ettepanekuid ja kommentaare Approve this translation

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1 Vali keel: Approve this translation


1 X Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your attachment?

Kas soovite kindlasti oma manuse kustutada? Approve this translation

There was an error during translation

Tõlkimisel tekkis tõrge Approve this translation

Delete idea %{suggestion}

Kustuta ettepanek %{suggestion} Approve this translation

Edit idea %{suggestion}

Muuda ettepanekut %{suggestion} Approve this translation

Receive status updates for customer feedback I capture

Saate olekuvärskendusi klientide tagasiside saamiseks, mida ma hõivaksin Approve this translation

There are no Ideas or Comments on this page to translate

Sellel lehel pole ühtegi tõlgitavat ettepanekut ega kommentaari Approve this translation

Contributor Insights Email Subscription

Kaastöötajate statistika e-posti tellimine Approve this translation

Receive monthly email

Saate iga kuu e-kirja Approve this translation

Your request has been cancelled.

Teie taotlus on tühistatud. Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to unsubscribe from this idea.

Kinnitage oma otsus sellest ideest loobumine. Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to delete this idea.

Kinnitage oma otsus selle idee kustutada. Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to publish this idea.

Kinnitage oma otsus selle idee avaldamise kohta. Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to approve this idea.

Kinnitage oma otsus selle idee heaks kiita. Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to mark this idea as spam.

Kinnitage oma otsus märkida see idee rämpspostiks. Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to close this ticket.

Kinnitage oma otsus see pilet sulgeda. Approve this translation