Clients - Touchpoint Toolkit

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1 Tagasi Approve this translation


1 Töötlemine Approve this translation


1 Ei Approve this translation

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Admini vastus Approve this translation


1 veel Approve this translation


2 Jah Approve this translation

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Muuda ettepanekut Approve this translation

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1 Vale e-posti aadress! Approve this translation


1 Ups Approve this translation

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Kohe Approve this translation


1 Eile Approve this translation

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Kui tõenäoliselt soovitaksite %{site_name} keskkonda oma sõbrale või kolleegile? Approve this translation

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1 Lisaandmed Approve this translation

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1 Anna tagasisidet või palu abi Approve this translation

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1 Ebatõenäoline Approve this translation

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1 Väga tõenäoliselt Approve this translation

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1 Lisa enda ettepanek Approve this translation

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Kui sisestad meie tagasiside foorumisse ettepaneku, saavad teised kasutajad sellele omapoolseid kommentaare lisada. Approve this translation

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1 Ava uues aknas Approve this translation

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1 Ava uues aknas Approve this translation

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1 Sain vastuse Approve this translation

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