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%{num} ideas imported

%{num} ideid imporditud Approve this translation

%{user} added a note to ticket %{ticket}:

%{user} lisatud märkus pilet %{ticket}: Approve this translation

%{user} replied to ticket %{ticket}:

%{user} vastas pilet %{ticket}: Approve this translation

%{user} assigned ticket %{ticket} to %{queue}.

%{user} määratud pilet %{ticket} kuni %{queue}. Approve this translation

%{user} assigned ticket %{ticket} to you.

%{user} määratud pilet %{ticket} teile. Approve this translation

%{user} assigned ticket %{ticket} to %{assignee}.

%{user} määratud pilet %{ticket} kuni %{assignee}. Approve this translation

%{user} changed ticket %{ticket} to unassigned.

%{user} muutunud pilet %{ticket} to määramata. Approve this translation

A new ticket (%{ticket}) has been assigned to %{queue}.

Uus pilet (%{ticket}) On määratud %{queue}. Approve this translation

A new ticket (%{ticket}) has been assigned to you.

Uus pilet (%{ticket}) On teile määratud. Approve this translation

A new ticket (%{ticket}) has been assigned to %{assignee}.

Uus pilet (%{ticket}) On määratud %{assignee}. Approve this translation

A new unassigned ticket (%{ticket}) has been received.

Uus määramata pilet (%{ticket}) On laekunud. Approve this translation

A new ticket (%{ticket}) has been received.

Uus pilet (%{ticket}) On laekunud. Approve this translation

This email is sent from a ‘no reply’ address, %{1: go here to leave a comment}.

See email on saadetud "vastust" aadress, %{1:minge siia jätnud kommentaari.} Approve this translation

Forgot your site

Unustasid oma saidi Approve this translation

Forgot your site? We can help!

Unustasid oma saidi? Me saame aidata! Approve this translation

Here is a list of the UserVoice sites you are an admin on.

Siin on nimekiri UserVoice saite on admin. Approve this translation

Here is a list of the UserVoice sites you have a profile on.

Siin on nimekiri UserVoice saite profiili. Approve this translation

Welcome to UserVoice

Tere tulemast UserVoice Approve this translation

%{user} assigned %{ticket_count} tickets to you.

%{user} määratud %{ticket_count} piletid teile. Approve this translation

%{user} assigned %{ticket_count} tickets to %{queue}.

%{user} määratud %{ticket_count} piletid %{queue} . Approve this translation

Idea merged

Idee ühendada Approve this translation

%{name} via %{company}

%{name} kaudu %{company} Approve this translation

only showing first 100

ainult näitab kõigepealt 100 Approve this translation

Captured by %{agent}

Pildistatud %{agent} Approve this translation

Via ticket #%{num}: %{subject}

Via Ticket # %{num} : %{subject} Approve this translation

Via %{url}

Via %{url} Approve this translation

An idea you supported (%{idea_link}) has been merged with a similar idea:

Idee te toetasite ( %{idea_link} ) On liidetud sarnane idee: Approve this translation

%{link: Give feedback on other ideas} to help us decide what to build next.

%{link:Anna tagasisidet teisi ideid,} mis aitavad meil otsustada, mida ehitada järgmisel aastal. Approve this translation

View all %{n} event(s) in browser

Vaata kõiki %{n} Sündmuse (id) brauseri Approve this translation

No activity

Tegevust Approve this translation

Manage your views and notifications

Halda oma seisukohti ja teated Approve this translation

You can configure what activity you would like to receive for each of your personal views.

Saate konfigureerida, milline tegevus soovid saada iga oma isiklikke seisukohti. Approve this translation


kuni Approve this translation

Unsubscribe from this view

Loobu seda seisukohta Approve this translation

If you would like to stop receiving these emails you may %{link:remove your support from this idea}.

Kui soovid, et peatada Meilidest võite %{link:eemaldada oma toetust sellele ideele.} Approve this translation

If you would like to stop receiving these emails you may %{link:unsubscribe}.

Kui soovid, et peatada Meilidest võite %{link:lõpetada.} Approve this translation

A link to the older version of this export is included below.

Allpool on toodud link ekspordi vanemale versioonile. Approve this translation

If you have any processes built around this, please update those to work with the new version above.

Kui teil on selle ümber üles ehitatud protsess, palun uuendage neid, mis töötavad uue versiooniga. Approve this translation

This older version of the export will no longer be available after December 12, 2016.

See ekspordi vanem versioon pole enam saadaval pärast 12. detsember 2016. Approve this translation

Your %{object_type} import has completed.

Sinu %{object_type} import on lõppenud. Approve this translation

1 record was successfully imported.

1 kirje edukalt imporditud. Approve this translation

%{imported_records} records were successfully imported.

%{imported_records} salvestused edukalt imporditi. Approve this translation

1 record failed to be imported.

1 kirje ei saanud importida. Approve this translation

%{failed_records} records failed to be imported.

%{failed_records} kirjeid ei õnnestunud importida. Approve this translation

1 record was ignored after failing validation.

1 kirje ignoreeriti pärast valideerimise puudumist. Approve this translation

%{ignored_records} records were ignored after failing validation.

%{ignored_records} pärast valideerimise ebaõnnestumist ignoreeriti kirjeid. Approve this translation

User erasure and access report

Kasutaja kustutamise ja juurdepääsu aruanne Approve this translation

These users have deleted themselves from your UserVoice site

Need kasutajad on kustutanud oma UserVoice'i saidilt Approve this translation

These users have exported their feedback data

Need kasutajad on tagasisideandmeid ekspordinud Approve this translation

Action required to continue storing your personal information

Teie isikuandmete säilitamiseks vajalik tegevus Approve this translation