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Displaying 101 - 150 of 204

Stop receiving emails for tickets assigned to %{queue}

2 Parar de receber emails de tickets atribuídos a %{queue} Approve this translation

Unsubscribe from this ticket

2 Cancelar assinatura deste ticket Approve this translation

Stop receiving emails for unassigned tickets

2 Parar de receber emails de tickets não atribuídos Approve this translation

Stop receiving emails for all new tickets

2 Parar de receber emails de todos os novos tickets. Approve this translation

%{time} min

3 %{time} min Approve this translation

Your Own

2 Sua Approve this translation

Welcome Email

E-mail de Boas-vindas Approve this translation


2 (selecione) Approve this translation

Give feedback & Contact support

Dar opinião & Contatar o suporte Approve this translation

Give feedback only

Dar somente opiniões Approve this translation

Contact support only

Somente contatar o suporte Approve this translation


1 Agente Approve this translation


1 Fila Approve this translation


3 É Approve this translation

Is not

3 Não é Approve this translation


3 Entre Approve this translation

Greater Than

3 Maior do que Approve this translation

Less Than

Menor do que Approve this translation


Hoje Approve this translation

You must select a value.

2 Você deve selecionar um valor. Approve this translation

Add Cc recipient

1 Adicionar destinatário CC Approve this translation

New Ticket Admin Reply

1 Novo Ticket de resposta de Administrador Approve this translation

Custom statuses

Status personalizado Approve this translation

New ideas

Novas ideias Approve this translation

Unassign yourself from this ticket

Desatribuir-me deste ticket Approve this translation

Push Ticket

Empurre Ticket Approve this translation

The comment text of %{num} characters is too long. Maximum is %{maxlen}.

O texto do comentário de %{num} caracteres é muito longa. Máxima é de %{maxlen}. Approve this translation

Email domain in different subdomain.

Domínio de email em um subdomínio diferente Approve this translation

Email cannot match a support agent's email address

E-mail não pode coincidir com o endereço de e-mail de um agente de suporte Approve this translation

Hide kudos, tracking pixels and anything else that would indicate that a ticket is not a personal email.

Esconder Kudos, pixels de rastreamento e qualquer outra coisa que indique que um ticket não é um e-mail pessoal. Approve this translation

Must have (deal breaker)

Deve haver (disjuntor de negócio) Approve this translation

Should have (not time critical)

Deveria (sem tempo crítico) Approve this translation

Nice to have

2 É bom ter Approve this translation

New User Feedback

1 Novo Feedback do usuário Approve this translation

New Ticket Note

Nova Anotação Ticket Approve this translation

SLA Warning

1 Aviso SLA Approve this translation

SLA Violation

Violação SLA Approve this translation

User Traits

Características de Usuários Approve this translation

Account Traits

Características da Conta Approve this translation

Company Insight

Percepção da Empresa Approve this translation

I support '%{title}' - what do you think?

Eu apoio ' %{title} '- O que você acha? Approve this translation

Multiple forum languages

Fórum em vários idiomas Approve this translation

Have forums in multiple languages

Possui fóruns em vários idiomas Approve this translation


nunca Approve this translation


1 hoje Approve this translation


1 ontem Approve this translation

%{n} ago

1 %{n} atrás Approve this translation

Remove 'Powered By' UserVoice branding.

1 Remova 'Powered By' UserVoice branding. Approve this translation

Select which web portal sections you want visible.

1 Selecione as seções do portal web que você deseja visualizar. Approve this translation

Allows restricting access to entire web portal, based on valid SSO token or authorized IP address.

1 Permite restringir o acesso a todo o portal da Web, com base em token SSO válido ou endereço IP autorizado. Approve this translation