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стаття Approve this translation


статті Approve this translation

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Всі статті Approve this translation


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vote left!

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votes left!

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All ideas

Всі ідеї Approve this translation


стаття Approve this translation


ідея Approve this translation

This idea is %{name}

Ця ідея %{name} Approve this translation

updated %{date}

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Пошук Approve this translation

No results.

Немає результатів. Approve this translation

Clear search results

Очистити результати пошуку Approve this translation


ідея Approve this translation


ідеї Approve this translation

Error! Try again.

Помилка! Спробуйте ще раз. Approve this translation


Збереження Approve this translation


Збережено Approve this translation

This idea has been converted to a private support message

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%{user}: %{filter} (%{num} idea)

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%{user}: %{filter} (%{num} ideas)

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hide closed ideas

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show closed ideas

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My feedback

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You need to sign in to see your feedback.

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Enter your idea and we'll search to see if someone has already suggested it.

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We really appreciate your feedback!

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Change my password

Змінити мій пароль Approve this translation

Passwords must match

Паролі повинні бути однаковими Approve this translation

Your password has been updated

Ваш пароль оновлено Approve this translation


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This idea is awaiting moderator approval

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Sorry, we couldn't submit your idea since you're out of votes.

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Your idea is being processed and will appear shortly

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Create Your Profile

Створіть свій профіль Approve this translation

Create your profile to gain access

Створіть свій профіль, щоб отримати доступ Approve this translation

Once you've created your profile we'll forward you to the %{name} forum.

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Recently updated ideas

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Existing idea results

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Select the amount of votes for this idea

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1 vote

1 голос Approve this translation

2 votes

2 голоси Approve this translation

3 votes

3 голоси Approve this translation

idea results

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