Clients - Feedback & Help Center

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Status updates

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'%{title}' has been merged into this idea

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This idea is %{status} - updated %{date} ago

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vote left!

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votes left!

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updated %{date}

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This idea has been converted to a private support message

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My feedback

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We really appreciate your feedback!

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This idea is awaiting moderator approval

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Sorry, we couldn't submit your idea since you're out of votes.

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Your idea is being processed and will appear shortly

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Once you've created your profile we'll forward you to the %{name} forum.

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Recently updated ideas

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Existing idea results

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That forum has been temporarily blocked due to account changes.

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Feedback forums

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Top ideas from the community

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Feedback and Knowledge Base

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You are about to delete your user profile. This cannot be undone!

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A user with the email address %{email} already exists. Please sign in.

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Your email address does not have access to this forum.

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View all ideas in category %{category}

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Uh-oh! Cookies are disabled. Access the feedback forum directly at %{forum_link} or enable cookies in your browser settings and refresh this page.

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No email address specified. Please try again.

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These are the terms of service for UserVoice, the service that powers this support portal, not for %{name} itself.

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Are you sure you want to delete your comment?

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Are you sure you want to delete your idea?

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Since other people support this idea, you cannot delete it. However, you can remove yourself from this idea and it will be associated with 'Anonymous' Are you sure you want to remove yourself from this idea?

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Delete suggestion %{suggestion}

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Are you sure you want to delete your comment?

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Delete suggestion %{suggestion}

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By signing up you agree to our %{link}.

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terms of service

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%{num} person wants this

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%{num} people want this

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I support '%{title}' - what do you think?

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%{user} supported this idea

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%{user} supported this

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We’ll send you updates on this idea

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Looking for more articles? Find a topic in the sidebar.

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