Clients - Feedback & Help Center

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Contributor Insights Email Subscription

貢獻者見解電子郵件訂閱 Approve this translation

Receive monthly email

接收每月的電子郵件 Approve this translation

Your request has been cancelled.

您的要求已被取消。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to unsubscribe from this idea.

請確認您退出此想法的決定。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to delete this idea.

請確認您決定刪除此想法。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to publish this idea.

請確認您決定發布此想法的決定。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to approve this idea.

請確認您批准該想法的決定。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to mark this idea as spam.

請確認您決定將此想法標記為垃圾郵件的決定。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to close this ticket.

請確認您關閉此票的決定。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to delete this ticket.

請確認您刪除此票證的決定。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to mark this ticket as spam.

請確認您決定將此票證標記為垃圾郵件。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to publish this comment.

請確認您發布此評論的決定。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to approve this comment.

請確認您批准此評論的決定。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to delete this comment.

請確認您決定刪除此評論。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to mark this comment as spam.

請確認您決定將此評論標記為垃圾郵件的決定。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to keep your profile.

請確認您保留個人資料的決定。 Approve this translation

Please confirm your decision to unsubscribe.

請確認您退訂的決定。 Approve this translation

%{user} suggested

%{user}建議的 Approve this translation

%{user} wrote

%{user}寫 Approve this translation

Contributor Console

貢獻者控制台 Approve this translation

We're glad you're here

我們很高興你在這裡 Approve this translation

Please sign in to leave feedback

請登錄以留下反饋 Approve this translation

Required consent not provided

未提供必要的同意 Approve this translation

Confirm your password

確認你的密碼 Approve this translation

Create your profile

創建您的個人資料 Approve this translation

Or sign up with email

或者用郵箱註冊 Approve this translation

Username (optional)

用戶名(可選) Approve this translation

Job Title (optional)

職位(可選) Approve this translation

Create Password

創建密碼 Approve this translation

Password needs at least 8 characters

密碼至少需要 8 個字符 Approve this translation

It must have at least one lower and one upper case character

它必須至少有一個小寫和一個大寫字符 Approve this translation

It needs at least one symbol ($, !, @, _, *, etc)

它至少需要一個符號($、!、@、_、* 等) Approve this translation

Password must include one number or more

密碼必須包含一個或多個 Approve this translation

Passwords do not match

密碼不匹配 Approve this translation


報名 Approve this translation

Or sign up with email:

或使用電子郵件註冊: Approve this translation

Sign up with:

註冊: Approve this translation

This site is restricted. Please sign in.

這個網站是受限制的。請登錄。 Approve this translation

Idea submission confirmation

想法提交確認 Approve this translation

We couldn't submit your score at this time.

我們目前無法提交您的分數。 Approve this translation

Add your feedback

添加您的反饋 Approve this translation

Post feedback

發布反饋 Approve this translation

Submitting feedback as "%{email}"...

提交反饋為“%{email} “…… Approve this translation

Not you?

不是你? Approve this translation

We are not currently accepting feedback on this idea.

我們目前不接受有關此想法的反饋。 Approve this translation

Your email link has expired, you'll need to log in to complete this action.

您的電子郵件鏈接已過期,您需要登錄才能完成此操作。 Approve this translation

You must accept the terms of service.

您必須接受服務條款。 Approve this translation

Please enter some feedback.

請輸入一些反饋。 Approve this translation

Thanks for the feedback.

感謝您的反饋。 Approve this translation

We had trouble processing your request, try signing in or creating an account first.

我們無法處理您的請求,請先嘗試登錄或創建帳戶。 Approve this translation