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Displaying 51 - 89 of 89

Idea Votes Update

想法投票更新 Approve this translation

Push Idea

推想法 Approve this translation

must be deleted for merged idea

必須刪除合併的主意 Approve this translation

This Forum has closed. No more ideas are allowed.

該論壇已關閉。不允許再有其他想法。 Approve this translation

Use the current widget (aka "omnibox," aka "tt (touchpoint toolkit)," aka not your classic widget). Also unlocks NPS® Ratings features, which depend on the widget.

使用當前的小部件(又名“多功能框”,又名“ tt(接觸點工具箱)”,又不是經典的小部件)。還可以解鎖NPS®評分功能,具體取決於小部件。 Approve this translation

no status

無狀態 Approve this translation

not routable

不可路由 Approve this translation

Something went wrong!

出了些問題! Approve this translation

Display name (optional)

顯示名稱(可選) Approve this translation


萬歲! Approve this translation

You're in, getting your page ready.

您正在準備頁面。 Approve this translation

Cookie access is needed in order to sign you in. Please update your privacy settings to enable cross-site tracking or try using a different browser.

需要Cookie訪問才能登錄。請更新您的隱私設置以啟用跨站點跟踪,或嘗試使用其他瀏覽器。 Approve this translation

You do not have the necessary permissions to access this content.

您沒有訪問此內容的必要權限。 Approve this translation

Sign in required to continue

需要登錄才能繼續 Approve this translation

Remember Me

記住賬號 Approve this translation

Please enter your password.

請輸入您的密碼。 Approve this translation

Create Password

創建密碼 Approve this translation

Password needs at least 8 characters

密碼至少需要 8 個字符 Approve this translation

It must have at least one lower and one upper case character

它必須至少有一個小寫和一個大寫字符 Approve this translation

It needs at least one symbol ($, !, @, _, *, etc)

它至少需要一個符號($、!、@、_、* 等) Approve this translation

Password must include one number or more

密碼必須包含一個或多個 Approve this translation

Verify Email

驗證郵件 Approve this translation

We need to verify your email first before resetting your password

在重置密碼之前,我們需要先驗證您的電子郵件 Approve this translation

We need to verify your email first before creating your account

在創建您的帳戶之前,我們需要先驗證您的電子郵件 Approve this translation

First things first!

第一件事! Approve this translation

Create Account

創建賬戶 Approve this translation

Let\'s create your account!

讓我們創建您的帳戶! Approve this translation

Please enter a valid password.

請輸入有效密碼。 Approve this translation

Passwords must match.

密碼必須匹配。 Approve this translation

Go to login

去登錄 Approve this translation

Go to settings

前往設置 Approve this translation

Current Password

當前密碼 Approve this translation

Reset Password

重設密碼 Approve this translation

Show more login options

顯示更多登錄選項 Approve this translation

Show fewer login options

顯示更少的登錄選項 Approve this translation

New here?

新來的? Approve this translation

Forgot Password?

忘記密碼? Approve this translation

Lets your users help you keep the place tidy. Crowdsourced moderation lets users report inappropriate and duplicate ideas to keep the burden off your shoulders.

讓您的用戶幫助您保持場所整潔。眾包審核讓用戶可以報告不當和重複的想法,從而減輕您的負擔。 Approve this translation

Idea Internal Status Update

Idea內部狀態更新 Approve this translation