Clients - Instant Answers Widget

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Displaying 51 - 100 of 106

%{num} related ideas

1 %{num} 条相关意见 Approve this translation

Matches for '%{query}'

1 符合 '%{query}' Approve this translation


1 搜索 Approve this translation

We couldn't submit your vote at this time.

1 我们无法提交这次投票。 Approve this translation

Send another message

1 发送另一条消息 Approve this translation

Idea is closed

1 该意见已关闭 Approve this translation

Sorry, we couldn't submit your request.

1 很抱歉,我们无法提交您的要求。 Approve this translation

Choose a File

1 选择一个文件 Approve this translation

Remove Attachment

1 删除附件 Approve this translation

Please sign in

1 请登录 Approve this translation

Whoops! Please fill in all required fields before continuing.

1 不好意思,您需要填写所有的必填项才能进入下一步。 Approve this translation

Whoops! You are attempting to upload a file that is too big. Please attach a smaller file and try again.

1 不好意思,您上传的文件过大。请缩小附件大小,然后再试一次。 Approve this translation

Create a password to secure your profile. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to create your new password.

1 设置密码以保护您的个人资料。您将收到一封确认邮件,内含密码设置的链接。 Approve this translation

Password-protect your profile to gain access

1 您的个人资料需要加设密码才能获得访问权 Approve this translation

Server communication problems! Please try again.

1 服务器连接不畅。请再试一次。 Approve this translation

You must accept the terms to continue.

1 您需要接受服务条款才能进入下一步。 Approve this translation

Close window

1 关闭窗口 Approve this translation

Post another idea

再发表一个意见 Approve this translation

Your votes will be returned when your ideas are closed by an admin

您的意见若被管理员关闭,您所投出的票将归还给您。 Approve this translation

Error! Try again.

错误!再试一次吧。 Approve this translation


保存中 Approve this translation


已保存 Approve this translation

Passwords must match

1 密码必须匹配 Approve this translation

Your password has been updated

1 您的密码已更新 Approve this translation


1 已发送! Approve this translation

Please note that you are now out of votes for this forum. Your votes will be returned when your ideas are closed by an admin

请注意,您在此论坛中的投票数已用完。你提过的意见被管理员关闭后,会将其投票数返还给您。 Approve this translation

Sorry, we couldn't submit your idea since you're out of votes.

很抱歉,我们无法提交您的意见,因为您的投票数已用完。 Approve this translation

I still want to send a message

我仍然想要发送消息 Approve this translation

No results found

1 没有找到结果 Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:articles} that may help you faster than sending a message.

我们找到了可能比发一条消息对你更有帮助的%{1:文章}。 Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:articles} and %{2:related ideas} that may help you faster than sending a message.

我们找到了可能比发一条消息对你更有帮助的%{1:文章}和%{2:相关的想法}、 Approve this translation

We’ll get back to you shortly

我们会尽快给您回复 Approve this translation

More matches

更多匹配 Approve this translation

Your email address does not have access to this forum.

您的电子邮件地址没有权限访问这个论坛。 Approve this translation

Uh-oh! Cookies are disabled. Access the feedback forum directly at %{forum_link} or enable cookies in your browser settings and refresh this page.

噢!Cookie 已禁用。直接访问反馈论坛 %{forum_link} 或者在您的浏览器设置中启用 Cookie 并刷新此页面。 Approve this translation

%{num} ranked

%{num} 排名 Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your comment?

是否确定希望删除您的评论? Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete your idea?

是否确定希望删除您的想法? Approve this translation

Since other people support this idea, you cannot delete it. However, you can remove yourself from this idea and it will be associated with 'Anonymous' Are you sure you want to remove yourself from this idea?

因为有其他人支持了这个想法,你不能删除它。但是,你可以从这个想法中删除自己,它将会变成与“无名氏”关联。你确定要从这个想法中删除自己吗? Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:relate ideas} that you may want to check out.

我们找到了%{1:相关的想法},你可能该看看它。 Approve this translation


已投票! Approve this translation

We’ll send you updates on this idea

我们会向你发送这个想法的更新 Approve this translation

Required Consent

要求同意 Approve this translation

I agree to the storage of my email address, name, and IP address. This information and any feedback I provide may be used to inform product decisions and to notify me about product updates. (You can opt-out at any time.)

我同意存储我的电子邮件地址,姓名和IP地址。这些信息和我提供的任何反馈都可用于通知产品决策并通知我有关产品更新的信息。 (你可以随时退出。) Approve this translation


谢谢! Approve this translation

Sign in with

登陆使用 Approve this translation

Sign in to give feedback

登录以提供反馈 Approve this translation

Please enter a valid email address.

请输入有效的电子邮件地址。 Approve this translation

Please enter a password.

请输入密码。 Approve this translation

This is a private forum. Sign in with an approved profile to access.

这是一个私人论坛。使用已批准的配置文件登录进行访问。 Approve this translation