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Displaying 901 - 950 of 1909

Instantly Answered

Resposta instantània Approve this translation

No Answers Found

No hi ha Respostes trobats Approve this translation

Total initiations of contact with your Helpdesk

Iniciacions total de contacte amb el servei d'assistència Approve this translation

No traits found.

No hi ha trets trobats. Approve this translation

You must specify a user in order to watch an idea.

Ha de donar un usuari per tal de veure una idea. Approve this translation

Edit Autoprompts

Edita Autoprompts Approve this translation


Pre Approve this translation

Heading 1

Títol 1 Approve this translation

Heading 2

Títol 2 Approve this translation

Heading 3

Títol 3 Approve this translation

No custom fields found

No hi ha camps personalitzats troben Approve this translation


aquí Approve this translation

Median Open Time

Mitjana de Temps Obert Approve this translation

Tickets by Assignee

Butlletes per cessionari Approve this translation

Median Open time

Mitjana de temps obert Approve this translation

Custom Field

Camp personalitzat Approve this translation

Average Response Time<

Mitjana de temps de resposta < Approve this translation


Dia Approve this translation


Setmana Approve this translation

Add a filter

Afegiu filtres Approve this translation


Avui Approve this translation


Per Approve this translation

First Contact Resolution (Count)

Primera Resolució contacte (Comte) Approve this translation

First Contact Resolution (Rate)

Primera Resolució de Contacte (Tarifa) Approve this translation

Escalation Count

Comte Escalation Approve this translation

Escalation Rate

Escalation Canvi Approve this translation

Ticket Backlog

Cartera Ticket Approve this translation


Un altre Approve this translation

A ticket is a threaded conversation.

Un bitllet és una conversa encadenada. Approve this translation

The number of user messages responded to in a ticket.

El nombre de missatges dels usuaris va respondre a un tiquet. Approve this translation

Avg Responses per Ticket

Respostes Mitjana per Ticket Approve this translation

Number of tickets closed with only one response.

Nombre de butlletes tanca amb una sola resposta. Approve this translation

Percentage of tickets closed with only one response.

Percentatge de butlletes tanca amb una sola resposta. Approve this translation

Number of tickets another agent replied to after this first agent responded.

Nombre d'entrades d'un altre agent ha respost a després d'aquest primer agent va respondre. Approve this translation

Percentage of tickets escalated.

Percentatge d'entrades va augmentar. Approve this translation

Support Coverage

Cobertura de Suport Approve this translation

Clear formatting

Esborrar format Approve this translation

Add previous recipients

Afegiu els destinataris anteriors Approve this translation


Cc Approve this translation

Include ticket thread

Inclogui fil bitllet Approve this translation

This will change the ticket's primary contact.

Això canviarà el contacte principal de l'entrada. Approve this translation

Your account's Javascript API key is:

Clau de l'API Javascript del teu compte és: Approve this translation


Nom d'usuari Approve this translation

This ticket's To/Cc recipients will now be able to see each other's addresses. Please review to make sure Cc/Bcc addresses are entered as expected.

És destinataris Per / Cc Aquest bitllet serà ara capaç de veure les direccions de cada un. Reviseu per assegurar-Cc / CCO adreces s'introdueixen com s'esperava. Approve this translation

Custom statuses

Estats personalitzats Approve this translation

Web portal

Portal Web Approve this translation


Reproductors Approve this translation

My profile

La meva enquesta Approve this translation

Support queues

Cues de suport Approve this translation

Email signature

Email signatura Approve this translation