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Displaying 501 - 550 of 1909

<strong>Note:</strong> Changes made to your widget can take up to five minutes to show up.

Atenció: Els canvis efectuats al teu widget poden tardar fins a 5 minuts en mostrar-se. Approve this translation

Save Changes

Desa els canvis Approve this translation

Modified by %{user} on %{date}

Modificat per %{user} en %{date} Approve this translation


Audaç Approve this translation


Itàlic Approve this translation

Insert Link

Insertar enllaç Approve this translation


Codi Approve this translation

Bulleted List

Llista amb vinyetes Approve this translation

Numbered List

Llista numerada Approve this translation


Sagnar Approve this translation

Embed Image or Video

Insereix imatge o vídeo Approve this translation


Edició de HTML Approve this translation


HTML Approve this translation

You have unsaved changes.

Vostè té canvis no guardats. Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to leave this page? You'll lose any unsaved changes.

Estàs segur que vols abandonar aquesta pàgina? Perdrà tots els canvis no guardats. Approve this translation

Remove 'Powered By UserVoice' logos and text from all end-user facing pages and emails.

Elimina el text i els logos de 'Powered By UserVoice'a totes les pàgines d'usuari i correus electrònics. Approve this translation

Service Hooks

Service Hooks Approve this translation

Use Service Hooks to push notifications of certain events within UserVoice to other products or services.

Fes servir els Service Hooks per enviar notificacions de determinats esteveniments de UserVoice cap a altres productes o serveis. Approve this translation

Add a service hook:

Afegeix un service hook: Approve this translation

Click on a product to setup a service hook.

Clica en un producte per configurar un service hook. Approve this translation

Add %{type}

Afegeix %{type} Approve this translation

No contact information available

No hi ha informació de contacte disponible Approve this translation

Support Requests

Les sol · licituds de suport Approve this translation

Messages sent into your Helpdesk via email.

Els missatges enviats al seu servei d'assistència tècnica per correu electrònic. Approve this translation

Opens of the contact form in your widget or on your portal page.

Obre el formulari de contacte en el giny oa la seva pàgina portal. Approve this translation

Total Tickets

Total de bitllets Approve this translation

Total tickets created.

Entrades totals creat. Approve this translation

No matching Knowledge Base articles or Feedback ideas found when using the contact form, and the user submitted a ticket.

No hi ha articles de Knowledge Base o idees coincidents opinió Heu trobat quan s'utilitza el formulari de contacte, i l'usuari va enviar el tiquet. Approve this translation

Matching Knowledge Base articles and/or Feedback ideas were found and possibly viewed when using the contact form, but user still submitted a ticket.

Coincidència articles de Knowledge Base i / o idees Feedback van ser trobats i possiblement vist quan s'utilitza el formulari de contacte, però l'usuari va enviar el tiquet encara. Approve this translation

Matching Knowledgebase articles and/or Feedback ideas were found when using the contact form, and user chose not to submit a ticket.

Coincidència articles de coneixement i / o idees Feedback van ser trobats quan s'utilitza el formulari de contacte, i l'usuari va optar per no presentar una butlleta. Approve this translation

Forum categories

Fòrums Approve this translation


Idea Approve this translation

%{1:votes}: %{2:idea}

%{1:vots:} %{2:idea} Approve this translation


canvia Approve this translation


Integracions Approve this translation


Notificar Approve this translation

You no longer have access to private forums -- please uncheck this box or upgrade.

Vostè ja no té accés a un fòrum privat - si us plau desmarqueu aquesta casella o actualització. Approve this translation

Your gadget has been deleted.

El teu gadget s'ha eliminat. Approve this translation

Hide Inspector

Amaga l'inspector Approve this translation

Click to edit

Clica per editar Approve this translation

No data for

No hi ha dades per Approve this translation

Add a gadget:

Afegeix un gadget: Approve this translation

Gadget Name

Gadget Nom Approve this translation

If you add multiple gadgets for %{name} use unique names to distinguish between them.

Si afegiu diversos gadgets per %{name} utilitzar noms únics per distingir entre ells. Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete this gadget?

Està segur que desitja eliminar aquest gadget? Approve this translation

Edit Gadget

Edita Gadget Approve this translation

View user profile

Veure el perfil d'usuari Approve this translation

Add/remove gadgets

Afegeix/elimina gadgets Approve this translation

Gadgets allow you to enhance the Inspector with user data from other applications or services. You can also create your own gadget to include additional user information from your internal system directly within UserVoice.

Els gadgets et permeten millorar el teu Inspector amb dades d'usuaris d'altres aplicacions o serveis. També pots crear el teu propi gadget per incloure informació addicional dels teus usuaris des del teu sistema intern directament cap a UserVoice. Approve this translation

Hides the Inspector. You can choose to show it again.

Amaga l'inspector. Pots escollir mostrar-lo de nou. Approve this translation