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1 articolo Approve this translation


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1 Questa idea è %{name} Approve this translation

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1 Ricerca Approve this translation

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1 Nessun risultato. Approve this translation

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Errore! Riprova di nuovo. Approve this translation


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2 Salvato Approve this translation

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Questa idea è stata convertita in un messaggio di supporto privato Approve this translation

%{user}: %{filter} (%{num} idea)

%{user}: %{filter} (%{num} idea) Approve this translation

%{user}: %{filter} (%{num} ideas)

%{user}: %{filter} (%{num} idee) Approve this translation

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Cambia la mia password Approve this translation

Passwords must match

1 Le password devono coincidere Approve this translation

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1 La tua password è stata aggiornata Approve this translation


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Non puoi inviare la tua idea perché hai finito i voti. Approve this translation

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1 La tua idea è in fase di elaborazione e apparirà a breve Approve this translation


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1 Crea il tuo profilo per accedere Approve this translation

Once you've created your profile we'll forward you to the %{name} forum.

Una volta creato il tuo profilo, ti trasferiremo al forum %{name}. Approve this translation

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