1. Untranslated
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  5. Health
Displaying 251 - 300 of 1909

Access Token URL

not translated

Respond to ideas

Ymateb i syniadau Approve this translation


not translated

If ticket matches all

not translated

Accepted formats: PNG, GIF or JPG. Maximum 350x150 pixels.

not translated

%{num} ideas will be lost!

not translated

The name of this field. If you display this custom field on your contact form, the label will be visible to customers.

not translated

Created by

not translated

Stop evaluating any subsequent rules

not translated

Add condition

not translated


not translated

Add action

not translated

Upload Spreadsheet (.CSV)

not translated

API Documentation

not translated

Add a new rule

not translated

Authorize URL

not translated

Forum settings

not translated

Authorize specific IP addresses

not translated

The <em>default</em> order ideas are displayed on your forum. Users can still choose to view them in a different order.

not translated

Grant private forum access to specific IP addresses (e.g., your internal network).

Caniatau mynediad at fforwm breifat i gyfeiriadau DRh penodol (e.e., dy rwydwaith mewnol). Approve this translation

Add IP

not translated


not translated

If ticket matches any

not translated

Allow users to assign their idea to a particular category. Categories with no ideas will not be displayed in the sidebar.

not translated


not translated

IP Addr

not translated


not translated

Unauthorized users will see that this forum exists, but have to request access before seeing its content

not translated

Private forums, admins and SSO users are not checked

not translated


not translated

Merge duplicate ideas with ease. (Votes from both ideas are combined.)

Cyfunwch syniadau sydd wedi'u dyblygu yn rhwydd. (Cyfunir pleidleisiau o'r ddau syniad.) Approve this translation


not translated


not translated

Custom Values

not translated


Cyfunwyd Approve this translation

Customize voting

Teilwra pleidleisio Approve this translation

Domain aliasing

Creu parthenw Approve this translation

White labeled

Gosod label gwyn Approve this translation

Private forums

Fforymau preifat Approve this translation

SSL encryption

Amgryptio SSL Approve this translation


not translated

New idea

Syniad newydd Approve this translation


Dileu Approve this translation


not translated


not translated

Forum name

not translated

Insert canned response

not translated

Replace _field_name_ with the name of your custom field

not translated

Learn more

not translated

This Week

not translated