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Voting Anda akan dikembalikan ketika ide Anda ditutup oleh admin Approve this translation

Please note that you are now out of votes for this forum. Your votes will be returned when your ideas are closed by an admin

Harap catat bahwa voting Anda telah habis untuk forum ini. Voting Anda akan dikembalikan ketika ide Anda ditutup oleh admin Approve this translation

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Jika Anda tetap ingin mengirim pesan Approve this translation

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Hasil tidak ditemukan Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:articles} that may help you faster than sending a message.

Kami telah menemukan %{1:articles} yang mungkin membantu Anda lebih cepat dibandingkan mengirim pesan. Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:articles} and %{2:related ideas} that may help you faster than sending a message.

Kami telah menemukan %{1:articles} dan %{2:related ideas} yang mungkin membantu Anda leboh cepat dibandingkan mengirim pesan. Approve this translation

We’ll get back to you shortly

Kami akan segera kembali Approve this translation

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Lebih cocok Approve this translation

Your email address does not have access to this forum.

Alamat email Anda tidak memiliki akses ke forum ini. Approve this translation

%{num} ranked

%{num} diberi peringkat Approve this translation

We’ve found %{1:relate ideas} that you may want to check out.

Kami telah menemukan %{1:ide-ide} yang %{1:berhubungan} Anda mungkin ingin memeriksa. Approve this translation


Sebagai! Approve this translation

We’ll send you updates on this idea

Kami akan mengirimkan update pada ide ini Approve this translation

Required Consent

Diperlukan Persetujuan Approve this translation

I agree to the storage of my email address, name, and IP address. This information and any feedback I provide may be used to inform product decisions and to notify me about product updates. (You can opt-out at any time.)

Saya setuju dengan penyimpanan alamat email, nama, dan alamat IP saya. Informasi ini dan umpan balik yang saya berikan dapat digunakan untuk menginformasikan keputusan produk dan memberi tahu saya tentang pembaruan produk. (Anda dapat memilih keluar kapan saja.) Approve this translation

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Masuk untuk memberi umpan balik Approve this translation

This is a private forum. Sign in with an approved profile to access.

Ini adalah forum pribadi. Masuk dengan profil yang disetujui untuk mengakses. Approve this translation

%{num} voter

%{num} pemilih Approve this translation

%{num} voters

%{num} pemilih Approve this translation


Kembali Approve this translation


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Tidak Approve this translation

Admin response

Tanggapan admin Approve this translation


lanjut Approve this translation


Ya Approve this translation

Edit idea

Mengedit ide Approve this translation

Invalid email address!

Alamat Email Salah! Approve this translation


Aduh Approve this translation

Just now

Baru saja Approve this translation


Kemarin Approve this translation

How likely would you be to recommend %{site_name} to a friend or colleague?

Seberapa besarkah kemungkinan Anda merekomendasikan %{site_name} kepada teman atau kolega? Approve this translation

Great stuff!

Hal yang hebat! Approve this translation


Sudahlah Approve this translation

Send us a message

Kirimi kami pesan Approve this translation

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Anda tetap ingin mengirimkan ide atau mengirimi kami pesan? Approve this translation

Post an Idea

Memposting ide Approve this translation

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Harap masukkan alamat email yang valid Approve this translation

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Judul ide Approve this translation

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Sehingga kami dapat mengupdate Anda! Approve this translation

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Masukkan masukan Anda Approve this translation

Why did you pick that score?

Mengapa Anda tidak mengambil skor tersebut? Approve this translation

Do you still want to send us a message?

Anda tetap ingin mengirimi kami pesan? Approve this translation

Do you still want to submit an idea?

Anda tetap ingin mengirimkan ide? Approve this translation