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Displaying 1451 - 1500 of 1910

You can use your own email address (e.g. feedback@example.com) when responding to feedback.

not translated

Use this email by default when answering tickets.

Usar este email como padrão quando responder tickets Approve this translation

Add %{service_name}

Adicionar %{service_name} Approve this translation

Add a tab or link to your website that allows folks to submit tickets and search your knowledge base.

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Add a tab or link to your website that allows folks to add ideas to your forums.

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anonymous users (only affects forums with legacy voting and anonymous users)

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anonymous users (only affects forums with anonymous users)

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Number of times a user can vote per hour per IP address (only affects legacy voting)

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Number of times a user can vote per hour per IP address

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No teams defined. %{link:Add a new team}

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Remove 'Powered By' UserVoice branding.

1 Remova 'Powered By' UserVoice branding. Approve this translation

Select which web portal sections you want visible.

1 Selecione as seções do portal web que você deseja visualizar. Approve this translation

Add team…

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UserVoice Contributor Sidebar

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Quickly look up any customer to see their previous feedback

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Discover which ideas are most important to each of your internal teams

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Invite your colleagues

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Create teams

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Revoke access

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Allows restricting access to entire web portal, based on valid SSO token or authorized IP address.

1 Permite restringir o acesso a todo o portal da Web, com base em token SSO válido ou endereço IP autorizado. Approve this translation

Allow restriction of admins to specific modules (feedback, helpdesk, and/or knowledgebase).

1 Permitir a restrição de administradores a módulos específicos (feedback, helpdesk e / ou base de conhecimento). Approve this translation

Save custom ticket searches for frequent use.

Salve pesquisas customizadas de tickets para uso freqüente. Approve this translation

Shows engagement level on your email updates.

1 Mostra o nível de engajamento em suas atualizações de e-mail. Approve this translation

License types

Tipos de licenças Approve this translation

Assign seats by license type.

Atribua assentos por tipo de licença. Approve this translation


Contribuinte Approve this translation


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%{num} max

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License Type

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You cannot revoke your own access

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All the UserVoice users at your company can access the contributor sidebar. Send them the installation link above to let them know about it.

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To add more users, go to the %{link:Users & Permissions tool}. If you invite a user with the Contributor license, their access will be restricted to just the contributor sidebar and they will receive setup instructions for it.

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Unable to find user

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User email is required

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Discuss upgrading or changing my account, %{account_name}

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Assign Teams

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Metadata set via ticket rules or Javascript (not visible on contact forms).

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Enable comment notifications by default

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Default ticket reply address

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Ticket field

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Add a new ticket field

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Ticket fields let you capture additional data as well as let you and/or your customers categorize your tickets.

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NPS® Rating

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Forum no longer exists

1 O Fórum não existe mais Approve this translation

Net Promoter Score®

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These stats are based on NPS® Ratings collected within the specified date range.

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NPS® tweets and follow-up

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The subdomain where your site will be hosted.

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Changing this will prevent any external links that point to this URL from working. %{link:Learn more}.

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Automatically prompt users for an NPS® Rating every 60 days.

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