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Displaying 1101 - 1150 of 1909

Oh snap! %{name} has updated this ticket since you've been viewing it. Do you want to overwrite their changes?

Oh broche! %{name} ha actualizado este billete desde que ha estado viendo el mismo. ¿Quieres sobrescribir sus cambios? Approve this translation

You have unsaved changes.

Usted tiene cambios no guardados. Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to leave this page? You will lose any unsaved changes.

¿Seguro de que deseas abandonar esta página? Perderá todos los cambios no guardados. Approve this translation

You got some kudos for that!

¿Tienes algún prestigio para eso! Approve this translation

Assign to…

Asignar a… Approve this translation

Edit custom fields…

Editar los campos personalizados… Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to open this ticket?

¿Está seguro de que desea abrir este billete? Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to open %{count} tickets?

¿Está seguro de que desea abrir %{count} entradas? Approve this translation

Yes, open it!

Sí, ¡ábralo! Approve this translation

Yes, open them!

Sí, ¡ábralos! Approve this translation

Edit ticket

Editar ticket Approve this translation

Edit %{count} tickets

Editar %{count} tickets Approve this translation

Update tickets

Actualizar tickets Approve this translation

Choose field

1 Elija el campo Approve this translation

Choose value

1 Elija el valor Approve this translation

You are about to move <strong>%{num}</strong> ideas from <strong>%{from}</strong> &#8594; <strong>%{to}</strong>.

Usted está a punto de moverse %{num} ideas de %{from} y # 8594; %{to} . Approve this translation

Override your default language settings for this particular forum.

Invalidar la configuración del idioma por defecto de este foro en particular. Approve this translation

Access controls

1 Los controles de acceso Approve this translation

Access controls

1 Los controles de acceso Approve this translation

Deprecated features

Características obsoletas Approve this translation

Deprecated features are no longer supported.

Características en desuso ya no se admiten. Approve this translation

You are about to move <strong>%{num}</strong> ideas from <strong>%{from}</strong> &#8594; <strong>%{to}</strong>.

Usted está a punto de moverse %{num} ideas de %{from} y # 8594; %{to} . Approve this translation

Note that new UserVoice admins (agents) will be created if the email address of the other system’s admin does not match a current admin of your UserVoice account. To subsequently remove these admins, %{link}.

Tenga en cuenta que los nuevos administradores UserVoice (agentes) se crearán si la dirección de correo electrónico del administrador del otro sistema no coincide con un administrador actual de su cuenta UserVoice. Para retirar posteriormente dichos administradores, %{link} . Approve this translation

click here

1 haga clic aquí Approve this translation

Note that new UserVoice admins (agents) will be created if the email address of the other system’s admin does not match a current admin of your UserVoice account. To subsequently remove these admins, %{link}.

Tenga en cuenta que los nuevos administradores UserVoice (agentes) se crearán si la dirección de correo electrónico del administrador del otro sistema no coincide con un administrador actual de su cuenta UserVoice. Para retirar posteriormente dichos administradores, %{link} . Approve this translation

click here

1 haga clic aquí Approve this translation

Note that new UserVoice admins (agents) will be created if the email address of the other system’s admin does not match a current admin of your UserVoice account. To subsequently remove these admins, %{link}.

Tenga en cuenta que los nuevos administradores UserVoice (agentes) se crearán si la dirección de correo electrónico del administrador del otro sistema no coincide con un administrador actual de su cuenta UserVoice. Para retirar posteriormente dichos administradores, %{link} . Approve this translation

click here

1 haga clic aquí Approve this translation

Note that new UserVoice admins (agents) will be created if the email address of the other system’s admin does not match a current admin of your UserVoice account. To subsequently remove these admins, %{link}.

Tenga en cuenta que los nuevos administradores UserVoice (agentes) se crearán si la dirección de correo electrónico del administrador del otro sistema no coincide con un administrador actual de su cuenta UserVoice. Para retirar posteriormente dichos administradores, %{link} . Approve this translation

click here

1 haga clic aquí Approve this translation

Note that new UserVoice admins (agents) will be created if the email address of the other system’s admin does not match a current admin of your UserVoice account. To subsequently remove these admins, %{link}.

Tenga en cuenta que los nuevos administradores UserVoice (agentes) se crearán si la dirección de correo electrónico del administrador del otro sistema no coincide con un administrador actual de su cuenta UserVoice. Para retirar posteriormente dichos administradores, %{link} . Approve this translation

click here

1 haga clic aquí Approve this translation

Note that new UserVoice admins (agents) will be created if the email address of the other system’s admin does not match a current admin of your UserVoice account. To subsequently remove these admins, %{link}.

Tenga en cuenta que los nuevos administradores UserVoice (agentes) se crearán si la dirección de correo electrónico del administrador del otro sistema no coincide con un administrador actual de su cuenta UserVoice. Para retirar posteriormente dichos administradores, %{link} . Approve this translation

click here

1 haga clic aquí Approve this translation

Read the %{link:documentation} before making changes.

1 Lea la %{link:documentación} antes de realizar cambios. Approve this translation

Read the %{link:documentation} before making changes.

1 Lea la %{link:documentación} antes de realizar cambios. Approve this translation

SPF Verification

Verificación SPF Approve this translation

SPF records in your DNS settings ensure that emails from your custom addresses are properly delivered.

Registros SPF en la configuración de DNS asegurar que los correos electrónicos de sus direcciones personalizadas se entregan correctamente. Approve this translation

Add gadget

Añadir gadget Approve this translation

Select an idea to merge with

Seleccionar una idea de fusión con Approve this translation

Select an idea to merge with

Seleccionar una idea de fusión con Approve this translation

Public permalink

Permalink Pública Approve this translation

Public permalink

Permalink Pública Approve this translation

Edit article

1 Editar artículo Approve this translation

Unpublish article

Despublicar artículo Approve this translation

Publish article

1 Publicar artículo Approve this translation

Delete article

1 Eliminar artículo Approve this translation

Public permalink

Permalink Pública Approve this translation

Yes, delete this widget

1 Sí, elimine este widget Approve this translation

Create widget

1 Crear widget Approve this translation