Untranslated 1737 Needs Review 59 Reviewed 113 All 1909 Health Displaying 1 - 50 of 1909 Description 3 설명 Approve this translation Comment 2 댓글 Approve this translation Deleted 2 삭제됨 Approve this translation Spam 2 스팸 Approve this translation %{duration} ago 2 %{duration} 전 Approve this translation Forums 1 포럼 Approve this translation Forum 게시판 Approve this translation If you see %{image} above it means you either don't have a Gravatar for that email address or it is not rated G. Get one for free at %{link}. not translated Send 전송 Approve this translation Credit card billed 크레딧 카드 결제 Approve this translation This charge covers your account until %{date}. You will be billed again at that time for the next month. 이제 %{date}까지 사용이 가능합니다. %{date} 이후 다음달 요금이 청구됩니다. Approve this translation From %{start} to %{end} %{start} 부터 %{end} 까지 Approve this translation Amount PAID not translated Price 가격 Approve this translation SUMMARY 요약 Approve this translation %{n} votes %{n} 투표 Approve this translation Your Company Name 당신의 회사 이름 Approve this translation If checked, this forum will only be visible to authorized users not translated Time 시간 Approve this translation Export to Excel 엑셀로 다운로드 Approve this translation Automatically close forum at: not translated Default not translated Phone number 전화 번호 Approve this translation Logo 로고 Approve this translation General Settings 1 일반 설정 Approve this translation There were errors that prevented this from saving not translated User 이용자 Approve this translation Allow users to request access to this forum not translated Organization URL not translated upgrade 업그레이드 Approve this translation This is a private forum not translated What is this not translated Not spam 스팸 아님 Approve this translation Failure 실패 Approve this translation URL not translated Mark as spam not translated Welcome Message not translated Moderation 조정 Approve this translation Details not translated Created not translated Links not translated Delete this forum not translated By default, sort ideas by not translated Create not translated Domain aliasing requires a custom CNAME DNS record not translated %{n} vote not translated e.g., How can we improve Acme? not translated Dashboard not translated manage authorized users 등록 사용자 관리 Approve this translation name 이름 Approve this translation