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Displaying 501 - 550 of 1909

<strong>Note:</strong> Changes made to your widget can take up to five minutes to show up.

注意:更改您的小工具可能需要5分钟后才能看到改变。 Approve this translation

Save Changes

保存更改 Approve this translation

Modified by %{user} on %{date}

由 %{user} 在 %{date} 修改 Approve this translation


粗体 Approve this translation


斜体 Approve this translation

Insert Link

插入链接 Approve this translation


代码 Approve this translation

Bulleted List

项目符号列表 Approve this translation

Numbered List

编号列表 Approve this translation


增加缩进 Approve this translation

Embed Image or Video

嵌入图像或视频 Approve this translation


编辑HTML Approve this translation


HTML Approve this translation

You have unsaved changes.

你有未保存的更改。 Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to leave this page? You'll lose any unsaved changes.

您确定想离开此页吗?您将会丢失所有未保存的更改。 Approve this translation

Remove 'Powered By UserVoice' logos and text from all end-user facing pages and emails.

从左右最终用户查看的页面和电子邮件上,移除”由UserVoice驱动“的图标和文本。 Approve this translation

Service Hooks

服务挂钩 Approve this translation

Use Service Hooks to push notifications of certain events within UserVoice to other products or services.

使用服务挂钩推送某些UserVoice时间到其他产品或服务。 Approve this translation

Add a service hook:

添加服务挂钩: Approve this translation

Click on a product to setup a service hook.

单击产品设置服务挂钩 Approve this translation

Add %{type}

添加 %{type} Approve this translation

No contact information available

没有可用的联系人信息 Approve this translation

Support Requests

支持请求 Approve this translation

Messages sent into your Helpdesk via email.

通过电子邮件发送消息到您的帮助台。 Approve this translation

Opens of the contact form in your widget or on your portal page.

在您的微件或您的门户里显示联系人窗体 Approve this translation

Total Tickets

总跟单 Approve this translation

Total tickets created.

全部跟单已创建。 Approve this translation

No matching Knowledge Base articles or Feedback ideas found when using the contact form, and the user submitted a ticket.

当使用联系人表单时,没有找到匹配的知识库文章或反馈意见,并且用户提交了跟单。 Approve this translation

Matching Knowledge Base articles and/or Feedback ideas were found and possibly viewed when using the contact form, but user still submitted a ticket.

当使用联系人表单时,找到匹配的知识库文章和/或反馈意见可能被查看,但用户还是提交了跟单。 Approve this translation

Matching Knowledgebase articles and/or Feedback ideas were found when using the contact form, and user chose not to submit a ticket.

当使用联系人表单时,找到匹配的知识库文章和/或反馈意见,并且用户没有提交跟单。 Approve this translation

Forum categories

论坛分类 Approve this translation


意见 Approve this translation

%{1:votes}: %{2:idea}

%{1:votes}: %{2:idea} Approve this translation


更改 Approve this translation


集成 Approve this translation


通知 Approve this translation

You no longer have access to private forums -- please uncheck this box or upgrade.

您不再能访问这个私有论坛 -— 请关闭这个对话框或者升级。 Approve this translation

Your gadget has been deleted.

您的小工具已被删除。 Approve this translation

Hide Inspector

隐藏审查器 Approve this translation

Click to edit

点击编辑 Approve this translation

No data for

没有数据 Approve this translation

Add a gadget:

添加小工具: Approve this translation

Gadget Name

小工具名字 Approve this translation

If you add multiple gadgets for %{name} use unique names to distinguish between them.

如果添加多个 %{name} 小工具,请使用唯一的名字来区分它们。 Approve this translation

Are you sure you want to delete this gadget?

你确定要删除这个小工具? Approve this translation

Edit Gadget

编辑小工具 Approve this translation

View user profile

查看用户信息 Approve this translation

Add/remove gadgets

添加/移除小工具 Approve this translation

Gadgets allow you to enhance the Inspector with user data from other applications or services. You can also create your own gadget to include additional user information from your internal system directly within UserVoice.

小工具允许您来增强来自程序或服务的用户数据检查器。您也可以创建自己的小工具来添加额外您内部系统的用户信息到UserVoice。 Approve this translation

Hides the Inspector. You can choose to show it again.

隐藏审查器。您可以在此决定显示它。 Approve this translation