Untranslated 1563 Needs Review 67 Reviewed 280 All 1910 Health Displaying 101 - 150 of 1910 SSL encryption will keep your data secure. SSL enkripcija će štititi vaše podatke. Approve this translation You must %{upgrade} to access this feature. Morate %{upgrade} za pristup ovoj mogućnosti. Approve this translation Message Poruka Approve this translation Embed Code Kod za integriranje Approve this translation %{feature_name} are not available on your current plan. %{feature_name} nije dostupan na vašem tipu servisa. Approve this translation The question your users will see (e.g., "How can we improve Acme?") Pitanje koje će vaši korisnici vidjeti (npr. "Kako možemo poboljšati Acme?") Approve this translation verified provjereno Approve this translation Callback URL (optional) Callback URL (neobavezno) Approve this translation Do NOT check this if your API Key will be stored in an insecure environment not translated Rules allow you to make the ticket system automatically change tickets based on specific criteria. Rules run in the order shown below. not translated This message appears to users that don't have access to this private forum. not translated e.g., feedback.example.com npr, feedback.domena.hr Approve this translation Adds granular control over how the vote fraud detector works. Dodaje granularni kontrolu nad kako za otkrivanje prijevara glasovanje radi. Approve this translation Primary Primarno Approve this translation Awaiting response Čeka odgovor Approve this translation Required? Obavezno? Approve this translation Are you sure? This will prevent any clients attached to this key from accessing your data. It can not be undone. not translated From Od Approve this translation Your api client was successfully registered. Vaš api klijent je uspješno registriran. Approve this translation Stop evaluating rules Prestani ocjenu pravila Approve this translation Are you sure want to delete this forum? Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj forum? Approve this translation For all tickets Za sva pitanja Approve this translation Add new category Dodaj novu kategoriju Approve this translation Not applied to private forums or admins. Ne odnosti se na privatne forume i administratore. Approve this translation Referrer Referal Approve this translation Your client has been deleted. Vaš klijent je obrisan. Approve this translation How can we improve %{org}? Kako možemo unaprijediti %{org}? Approve this translation Enter your note here Dodajte bilješku ovdje Approve this translation Subscribers Pretplatnici Approve this translation Edit client Izmijeni kljenta Approve this translation Email addresses Email adrese Approve this translation Leaderboard not translated this is the last rule ovo je zadnje pravilo Approve this translation registered users registrirani korisnici Approve this translation Authorize specific email domains Dopusti određene email domene Approve this translation iPhone Plugin iPhone plugin Approve this translation Field placeholder not translated Crowdsourced moderation Javno moderiranje Approve this translation Field Polje Approve this translation Copy and paste the following code into your HTML just before the closing %{tag} tag: Kopirajte i zalijepite sljedeći kod u svoj HTML neposredno prije zatvaranja %{tag} taga: Approve this translation (Verified) (Provjereno) Approve this translation Options Postavke Approve this translation Users can still see the entire forum but cannot create ideas or vote. Users will still be able to comment. not translated Tickets Upiti Approve this translation Placeholder text the user will see in the new idea input field not translated Topic Tema Approve this translation e.g., Customer Feedback & Ideas not translated %{num} characters max najviše %{num} znakova Approve this translation Success Uspješno Approve this translation JSON / XML JSON / XML Approve this translation