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Displaying 51 - 100 of 1910

forum icon

ikona foruma Approve this translation

Forum state

Stanje foruma Approve this translation


Preporučeno Approve this translation


Učitavanje Approve this translation

Remove logo

Izbriši logo Approve this translation


Datum Approve this translation

Users can create ideas, vote and add comments

not translated

Require all

Sve je obavezno Approve this translation

API key

API ključ Approve this translation


Poruke Approve this translation


Otvori Approve this translation


Prilagođeno Approve this translation


Status Approve this translation

Allow any

Dopusti bilo što Approve this translation


Pregled Approve this translation


Neuspjesi Approve this translation

Credit card number

Broj kreditne kartice Approve this translation

Forum Name

Ime foruma Approve this translation

Used to reference your account

not translated

Security Code

Sigurnosni kod Approve this translation


Siječanj Approve this translation

of the following

od sljedećeg Approve this translation

Billing address

Adresa za naplatu Approve this translation


Korisnički račun Approve this translation


Bilješke Approve this translation

Allows you to control what users can do on the forum

not translated


Korisnici Approve this translation


Mjesec Approve this translation


Dodaj Approve this translation


not translated

Name on card

Ime na kartici Approve this translation


Godina Approve this translation


Zatvoreni Approve this translation

Hosted subdomain

not translated

Votes Allowed

Broj dopuštenih glasova Approve this translation

Require moderator approval

not translated

Custom CSS

Prilagođeni CSS Approve this translation


Uključeno Approve this translation

e.g., Acme Forum (Product Name)

npr. Acme Forum (ime produkta) Approve this translation


Akcije Approve this translation

Organization name

Ime organizacije Approve this translation


neograničeno Approve this translation

Have your forum setup on your own domain (ex: feedback.yourdomain.com). Preserves your brand experience and adds value SEO by putting user generated content on your domain

Imati svoj forum postava na vlastitu domenu (npr.: feedback.yourdomain.com). Čuva svoj brand iskustva i dodaje vrijednost SEO stavljanjem korisnički generiran sadržaj na Vašu domenu Approve this translation

Your users can transition seamlessly from your site to UserVoice without any registration required. This greatly lowers the barrier to giving feedback. Your users profiles and avatars can be integrated into UserVoice for a more seamless user experience.

Korisnici mogu jednostavno prijelaz s Vaše web lokacije kako bi UserVoice bez registracije potrebno. To uvelike smanjuje barijeru za davanje povratne informacije. Vaši korisnici profili i avatari se mogu integrirati u UserVoice za više bešavne korisničko iskustvo. Approve this translation

Each voter is granted 10 votes (per forum) to spend on ideas they support. This forces people to focus on their top ideas which yields higher quality feedback. With this option you can set the number of votes each voter gets on a per forum basis.

Svaki birač imaju 10 glasova (po forumu) potrošiti na ideje koje podržavaju. To tjera ljude da se usredotoče na svoje najboljih ideja što daje veću kvalitetu povratne informacije. Sa ovom opcijom možete postaviti broj glasova birača dobiva svaki na po forumu osnovi. Approve this translation

Some things are best discussed privately. You can limit a forum by email address, by email domain or through Single Sign-On.

Neke stvari su najbolje objašnjeno u privatnom. Možete ograničiti forum za e-mail adresu, e-mailom ili putem domeni Single Sign-On. Approve this translation

Your customers won't even need to know that they've left your site. Configure your UserVoice design (headers, footers, and CSS) to match your existing look-and-feel.

Vaši klijenti neće ni znati da ste ostavili svoje stranice. Konfigurirajte svoj UserVoice dizajn (zaglavlja i podnožja i CSS) kako bi se slagala svoj postojeći izgled i dojam. Approve this translation

Multiple support options including 24/7 dedicated account management.

Višestruke opcije podrške uključujući 24/7 posvećen upravljanje računom. Approve this translation

Most accounts have one forum for general ideas and create additional forums to drill into topic with both your users and internal team.

Većina računi imati jedan forum za opće ideje i stvoriti dodatne forume bušiti na temu s obje svojim korisnicima i interni tim. Approve this translation


Zaposlenici Approve this translation