Admin Console

  1. Untranslated
  2. Needs Review
  3. Reviewed
  4. All
  5. Health
Displaying 1 - 50 of 1365

There were errors that prevented this from saving

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By default, sort ideas by

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Domain aliasing requires a custom CNAME DNS record

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Require moderator approval

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Embed Code

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Callback URL (optional)

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Rules allow you to make the ticket system automatically change tickets based on specific criteria. Rules run in the order shown below.

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Not applied to private forums or admins.

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registered users

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Field placeholder

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Copy and paste the following code into your HTML just before the closing %{tag} tag:

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Placeholder text the user will see in the new idea input field

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Request Token URL

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Adaptive response

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Feedback widget demo for %{name}

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The following optional fields are only applicable if you're building a web application.

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multiplied by the votes allowed for each forum

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Domain alias

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Application URL (optional)

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There were errors that preventing this from saving

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If unchecked, per-user authorization may still be sent via the SSO token

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All ideas and comments will be withheld from public view until approved by a moderator

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Example: <strong>(2x)</strong> 10 votes allowed for a user in a forum <strong>= 20 votes allowed per hour for that forum</strong>

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Callback URL

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Main Application URL

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Access Token URL

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The <em>default</em> order ideas are displayed on your forum. Users can still choose to view them in a different order.

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Add IP

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Insert canned response

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Replace _field_name_ with the name of your custom field

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All Time

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All profanity in ideas and comments will be replaced with *****

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When the threshold is reached, the moderation action is triggered

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Ideas moderation action

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Comments moderation action

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Voter fraud detection

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to help you identify it later

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Use same syntax as search box in admin section. e.g query=Product Area:Admin

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Invert tab

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Provisioning API Access (superuser-only)

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Point Leader

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Checkbox Label

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