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Displaying 301 - 350 of 1909

This Month

1 Deze maand Approve this translation

Last Month

Vorige maand Approve this translation

All Time

Alles Approve this translation

Contact form

Contactformulier Approve this translation

Add note

1 Notitie toevoegen Approve this translation


Pakket Approve this translation


Algemeen Approve this translation

Edit custom field

Aangepast veld bewerken Approve this translation

Allowed votes

Stemmen toegestaan Approve this translation

Edit forum

Forum bewerken Approve this translation

Akismet spam filter

Akismet spamfilter Approve this translation


Uitgeschakeld Approve this translation

All profanity in ideas and comments will be replaced with *****

Alle godslastering en scheldwoorden in ideeën en reacties zullen worden vervangen door ***** Approve this translation

New forum

Nieuw forum Approve this translation

Add a new forum

Nieuw forum toevoegen Approve this translation

Forums are used to create separate types of ideas. Forums can be either public or private - targeting specific users, products or campaigns.

Forums worden gebruikt om verschillende types van ideeën te creëren. Forums kunnen zowel publiek als besloten zijn, gericht op specifieke gebruikers, producten of campagnes. Approve this translation

Custom field

1 Aangepast veld Approve this translation

When the threshold is reached, the moderation action is triggered

Wanneer de grens is bereikt, zal dit eerste goedgekeurd moeten zijn Approve this translation


1 Drempelwaarde Approve this translation

Ideas moderation action

Ideeën goedkeuring actie Approve this translation

Comments moderation action

Reacties goedkeuring actie Approve this translation

Voter fraud detection

Stemmer fraude detectie Approve this translation

Add widget

1 Widget toevoegen Approve this translation


1 Kanalen Approve this translation

Edit rule

1 Regel bewerken Approve this translation


2 Beheerders Approve this translation

This is the max number of administrators on your UserVoice feedback forum and ticketing system.

Dit is het maximum aantal administrators op je Uservoice feedbackforum en ticketingsysteem Approve this translation

Feedback for Facebook Plugin

2 Feedback voor Facebook plugin Approve this translation

Single sign-on

2 Single Sign-On Approve this translation

Knowledge Base

3 Kennisbank Approve this translation


4 Onderwerpen Approve this translation

All articles

4 Alle artikelen Approve this translation


4 Reacties Approve this translation

to help you identify it later

Om u later te helpen identificeren Approve this translation


1 Tabblad Approve this translation

Display the feedback tab on your page

1 Toon de feedback tab op uw pagina Approve this translation


1 Kleur Approve this translation


1 Positie Approve this translation

Use my own link

1 Gebruik uw eigen link Approve this translation

Use custom javascript to launch the widget

Gebruik eigen javascript code om deze widget te starten Approve this translation

Example code

Voorbeeld code Approve this translation

Edit widget

Wijzig widget Approve this translation

Delete widget

Verwijder widget Approve this translation

Edit Article

Artikel wijzigen Approve this translation

Create article

1 Maak artikel Approve this translation


Exporteren Approve this translation


Bevestig Approve this translation


Waarschuwing Approve this translation

Accepted formats: PNG, GIF or JPG.

Geaccepteerde formaten: PNG, GIF en JPG. Approve this translation

Don't see your language? Want to suggest changes? Go to %{link}

Staat uw taal er niet bij? Wijzigingen voorstellen? Ga naar %{link} Approve this translation