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Netfang Approve this translation


not translated

Remember me

Muna eftir mér Approve this translation

Change Password

not translated

Sorry, we couldn't find your existing account on file.

not translated

Required, but not displayed

not translated

or, sign in with

not translated

Facebook appears to be momentarily down. Please try again in a few moments.

not translated

If checked, we'll remember your session for 2 weeks.

not translated

Sign in to your profile.

not translated

I agree to the %{tos}

not translated

Signed in as %{user}

not translated

You aborted the sign-in process.

not translated

Display name

not translated

Sorry about that, we couldn't log you in. Try to log in again.

not translated

Your UserVoice subdomain

not translated

Enter your email address

not translated

Sorry, we couldn't log you in.

not translated

Terms of Service

Skilmáar Approve this translation


not translated

Your email address

Netfangið þitt Approve this translation

Thanks for signing in, %{user}

not translated

Set Password

not translated

By signing in you agree to the Terms of Service

not translated

Your email cannot be anonymous if you want to log in via Facebook.

not translated

You need to provide a valid email address via Facebook.

not translated

Sign in to your UserVoice profile

Skráðu þig inn í UserVoice aðganginn Approve this translation

Sign in to your UserVoice account

not translated

Enter the email address you used

not translated

We'll email you a list of UserVoice sites you have profiles on.

not translated

Email me my sites

not translated

Still having trouble?

not translated

Contact UserVoice support

not translated

Your UserVoice site URL

not translated

Go to my account

not translated

Forgot your site's address?

not translated


not translated

OpenID authentication failed: %{message}

not translated

OpenID authentication provider for %{provider} is currently unavailable

not translated

Only administrators can log in via this method. Please log in another way.

not translated

This %{provider} account is no good, it has no verified email address.

not translated

Sorry about that, we couldn't log you in. Please try again.

not translated

New Password

not translated

Create an account

not translated

Display name (optional)

not translated


not translated

You're in, getting your page ready.

not translated

Cookie access is needed in order to sign you in. Please update your privacy settings to enable cross-site tracking or try using a different browser.

not translated

You do not have the necessary permissions to access this content.

not translated

Sign in required to continue

not translated