Admin Console

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Displaying 1051 - 1100 of 1910

Response Thresholds

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SLA settings

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Created %{time}

dibuat %{time} Approve this translation

User since %{time}

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Account created %{time}

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Download a CSV file of this report?

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User details

rincian pengguna Approve this translation

Rating given

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User type

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Account name

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Account plan

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Life Time Value

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Account, billing, and usage

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The system email alias cannot be deleted.

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Clear Formatting

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Whoops! There was a problem saving your changes.

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Delete this email address?

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You will no longer be able to use this email address to answer tickets or respond to feedback. You may also want to update any ticket rules that reference this email address.

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An unknown error has occured. Please try again in a moment.

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Internal server error. Please try again in a moment.

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Invalid request. Please check your input and try again.

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Opening ticket

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Opening %{count} tickets

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Opened ticket.

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Opened %{count} tickets.

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Updating ticket

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Updating %{count} tickets

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Updated ticket.

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Updated %{count} tickets.

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If you&#8217;d like to link to the Terms of Service surround the link text with brackets <code>[&#8230;]</code>

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Default Forum (%{name})

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Add an email address

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Add an email address

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Edit email address

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Please note

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Email forwarding must be configured for custom email addresses before adding them here. %{link:Learn more about custom email address forwarding.}

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You need to enter an email address!

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You need to enter a vailid email address!

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System email address

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Incognito mode

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Use this email by default when answering tickets and responding to feedback.

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Use this email by default when answering tickets and responding to feedback.

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The system email address is always used by default when you have not configured a custom default email address.

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Add email address

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SPF verification

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To ensure that emails from your custom addresses are properly delivered and are not caught in recipients’ spam filters, we suggest you add an SPF record to your DNS settings for each email domain.

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Whoever handles your emails should be able to do this. If this can’t be changed, don’t panic: your emails will most likely still make it through.

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