Admin Console

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Displaying 101 - 150 of 1902

Your customers won't even need to know that they've left your site. Configure your UserVoice design (headers, footers, and CSS) to match your existing look-and-feel.

1 您的客戶不需要知道他們已經離開你的網站。配置您的UserVoice的設計(頁眉,頁腳和CSS)以配合您現有的外觀和感覺。 Approve this translation

Multiple support options including 24/7 dedicated account management.

1 多項的客服選項,包括24小時專用帳戶管理。 Approve this translation

Most accounts have one forum for general ideas and create additional forums to drill into topic with both your users and internal team.

1 多數帳戶有一個論壇作為一般討論區,並設置其他的論壇主題可以和公司內部或外部使用者做更深入的討論。 Approve this translation


員工 Approve this translation

SSL encryption will keep your data secure.

1 SSL加密以維護您的資料安全。 Approve this translation

You must %{upgrade} to access this feature.

你必須%{upgrade}才能使用此服務。 Approve this translation


訊息 Approve this translation

Embed Code

內嵌程式碼 Approve this translation

%{feature_name} are not available on your current plan.

1 %{feature_name}並非您目前採取的方案所包含的服務項目。 Approve this translation

The question your users will see (e.g., "How can we improve Acme?")

你的使用者可以看到的問題 (例如,''我們能夠如何改進Acme?'') Approve this translation


驗證 Approve this translation

Callback URL (optional)

Callback URL (非必要) Approve this translation

Do NOT check this if your API Key will be stored in an insecure environment

如果你的API Key (應用程式金鑰)會被存放於一個不安全的環境,請勿選擇此項。 Approve this translation

Rules allow you to make the ticket system automatically change tickets based on specific criteria. Rules run in the order shown below.

規則的設定可以讓需求系統依照不同的條件自動更改需求單內容。規則依照順序如下。 Approve this translation

This message appears to users that don't have access to this private forum.

這個訊息將顯示給沒有權限進入私人論壇的使用者。 Approve this translation


例如, Approve this translation

Adds granular control over how the vote fraud detector works.

1 增加可以對投票欺詐探測器的細微控制。 Approve this translation


主要 Approve this translation

Awaiting response

1 正在等待回應 Approve this translation


必要的嗎? Approve this translation

Are you sure? This will prevent any clients attached to this key from accessing your data. It can not be undone.

你確定嗎?這會阻止所有使用這個金鑰的客戶使用你的資料。且一旦執行就不可回復。 Approve this translation


1 Approve this translation

Your api client was successfully registered.

你的用戶端API(API Client)已成功登錄。 Approve this translation

Stop evaluating rules

停止審視規則 Approve this translation

Are you sure want to delete this forum?

你確定你想刪除此論壇? Approve this translation

For all tickets

全部的需求單 Approve this translation

Add new category

增加新分類 Approve this translation

Not applied to private forums or admins.

這個設定不影響私人論壇和管理者。 Approve this translation


1 介紹人 Approve this translation

Your client has been deleted.

你的用戶端已被刪除 Approve this translation

How can we improve %{org}?

我們如何能改進%{org}? Approve this translation

Enter your note here

由此輸入你的註記 Approve this translation


訂閱者 Approve this translation

Edit client

編輯用戶端 Approve this translation

Email addresses

電子郵件地址 Approve this translation


計分板 Approve this translation

this is the last rule

這是最後一個規則了 Approve this translation

registered users

登錄的使用者 Approve this translation

Authorize specific email domains

授權予特定電子郵件網域 Approve this translation

iPhone Plugin

1 iPhone外掛程式 Approve this translation

Field placeholder

預設欄位 Approve this translation


1 語言 Approve this translation

Crowdsourced moderation

1 群眾監控 Approve this translation


欄位 Approve this translation

Copy and paste the following code into your HTML just before the closing %{tag} tag:

複製貼上以下的程式碼至你的HTML裡面最後一個%{tag} 的前面 Approve this translation


(已確認) Approve this translation


選擇 Approve this translation

Users can still see the entire forum but cannot create ideas or vote. Users will still be able to comment.

使用者仍然可以閱讀討論區所有的內容,但不能提出意見回饋項目或是投票。使用者是可以留言的。 Approve this translation


1 需求單 Approve this translation

Placeholder text the user will see in the new idea input field

將使用者在新意見項目的填寫處會看到的文字預留提示文字空間 Approve this translation