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Displaying 151 - 200 of 1039

Delete the template content and save to reset to default layout

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Your new monthly rate will be $%{amt} (next payment on %{date}).

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Oh snap! This ticket has been assigned to %{name}.

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Do you want to assign this ticket back to yourself and send your message?

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You received a new message from %{name}!

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Do you still want to send your message?

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Trusted client or user required

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no topic

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Topic & Position

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Select a response to insert it into the reply field.

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Email of the user sending the message. Required if you're using 0-legged OAuth

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Text Customization

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User required: No user or not signed or not authorized. %{info}

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Feedback Forums

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API Console

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Type a command

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An array of Support Queue IDs in the desired new ordering

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The label in UI

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The IDs of the users who get a notification

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The email addresses of the users who get a notification

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You must provide a ticket message.

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This user has no access to the specified private forum

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Trusted client or authorized user required to access a private forum

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Private forum access denied: %{reason}

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Off duty. Any new replies to your tickets will assign them back to the queue.

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You need be an admin to see unpublished articles: %{specifics}

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Log entry

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Trusted (Do NOT check this if your API Key will be stored in an insecure environment)

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Metadata set via ticket rules or Javascript (not visible on contact forms). Limited to 255 characters

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Add a tab or link to your website that allows folks to submit tickets, add ideas to your forums, and search your knowledge base.

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Tracker makes it easy for your application or website to pass additional information to UserVoice to make it available within the UserVoice Admin Console. Tracker can be used to give support agents access to additional information about your users or to segment your UserVoice reports based on that information.

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Common use cases for Tracker

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To display the lifetime value of a customer in UserVoice Inspector

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To display the product, plan, or service, they are using in UserVoice Inspector

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To track whether a user has recently upgraded and how active they are in the system

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...or any other segmentation that is valuable to your company

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Tracker is a programatic interface to UserVoice made with JavaScript. Through the use of simple JavaScript function calls your website can pass information to the UserVoice Admin Console about your users.

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For example, to pass the user's name and email address to UserVoice call:

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Or, to track a user action when it happens:

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Follow the steps outlined below to get the most out of UserVoice Tracker on your website. Steps are automatically checked off once UserVoice has detected that tracker code is installed and functioning on your website.

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Tracker requires that the <em>UserVoice JavaScript SDK</em> be installed on your website. To install the JavaScript SDK add the following code to your web page:

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Add the current user's name and email address

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Be sure to customize this snippet for each user on your website. This is just an example:

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Add custom fields to a user

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This is an example of using Tracker to add custom information to UserVoice about a user:

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Track an action or event

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Here's an example of using Tracker to track a sign-up event for a user:

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Learn more about UserVoice Tracker

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Here are a couple of articles from our developer site that should make it easy for you to get started with UserVoice Tracker:

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