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Displaying 1851 - 1900 of 1910

Edit Importance Settings

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Count as vote

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Would you like to retroactively count importance ratings as votes to subscribe users to ideas? Otherwise, users who previously left importance ratings but did not vote will not be subscribed to an idea.

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Retroactively count importance ratings as votes

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My Views

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Disabled in trial

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Lets your users help you keep the place tidy. Crowdsourced moderation lets users report inappropriate and duplicate ideas to keep the burden off your shoulders.

Umožňuje uživatelům, aby vám pomohli udržet místo v pořádku. Crowdsourced moderování umožňuje uživatelům nahlašovat nevhodné a duplicitní nápady, aby vás netížili. Approve this translation

Allow users to report inappropriate content

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Note: Ideas that have already been approved by an admin, or whose status has been updated, will not get sent back to moderation when reported by a user.

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Content with more votes require more reports before action is taken.

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Ideas Flagged As Important

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When an idea is flagged by an internal team member

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Assigned Ideas

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When an idea is assigned to you by an internal team member

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Verified DKIM only works on feedback emails, not ticketing.

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Comments and Ideas detected as spam will be put in moderation where you can review.

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Comments and Ideas caught

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Your billing and plan information is managed by your UserVoice account representative. Please reach out to us to make any plan changes.

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This Account allows ALL Salesforce Account Domains Access to this Private Forum

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If this is not desired behavior please contact support@uservoice.com to change this account setting

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Moderation is enabled for all Forums on this subdomain. To modify moderation settings, go %{link}.

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This Forum has moderation enabled. To modify moderation settings, go %{link}.

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This Forum does not have moderation enabled. To modify moderation settings, go %{link}.

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Urgency score on ideas and feedback

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View urgency scores on feedback, comments, and ideas.

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Asset owner or Admin required

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To set up GA4, use this guide: %{link:Google Analytics Integration}

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DomainKey Identified Mail (DKIM) is an authentication protocol that links your domain name to an email, allowing email servers to check your email’s signature to verify the authenticity of the sending domain. Learn more about DKIM

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You can capture feedback on behalf of customers and save it directly in UserVoice by using the contributor sidebar. When you open the sidebar, you can:

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Log customer feedback and link it to ideas in UserVoice

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Get started using the the contributor sidebar

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To install and use the contributor sidebar, follow the instructions here:

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Invite your colleagues to also use the contributor sidebar

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To add more users, go to the %{link:Users & Permissions tool}. Please %{contact_us_link:contact us} if you would like to restrict a user's access to just the contributor sidebar. We have pricing available for these types of users.

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To make it easier to view feedback across internal departments, you can group your colleagues into teams. You can take a look at activity across teams in the admin console.

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Note: Only works for feedback emails, not ticketing

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Error saving changes. See %{link} for more details.

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UserVoice Feedback Capture Extension

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Capture feedback on behalf of customers and save it directly in UserVoice by using the Feedback Capture Extension.

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Quickly log customer feedback and link it to ideas in UserVoice

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AI driven Idea lookup to avoid duplicate Idea creation

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Mark ideas as important or flag them for future review

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Get started

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To install the extension, follow the instructions here:

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All the UserVoice users at your company can access the Feedback Capture Extension. To add more users, go to the %{link:Users & Permissions tool}.

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Please %{contact_us_link:contact us} if you would like to restrict a user's access to just the contributor sidebar. We have pricing available for these types of users.

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