Untranslated 1735 Needs Review 24 Reviewed 151 All 1910 Health Displaying 1 - 50 of 1910 Description 2 Descriere Approve this translation Comment Comentați Approve this translation Deleted 2 Șters Approve this translation Spam 2 Spam Approve this translation %{duration} ago acum %{duration} Approve this translation Forums 4 Forumuri Approve this translation Forum 1 Forum Approve this translation If you see %{image} above it means you either don't have a Gravatar for that email address or it is not rated G. Get one for free at %{link}. Daca vezi %{image} de mai sus inseamna ca fie nu ai un Gravatar pentru acea adresa de email sau nu este evaluat la G. Alege una gratis de pe %{link}. Approve this translation Send 1 Trimite Approve this translation Credit card billed not translated This charge covers your account until %{date}. You will be billed again at that time for the next month. Această plată acoperă contul dvs. până la data de %{date}. Veți fi taxat din nou la acea dată pentru luna viitoare. Approve this translation From %{start} to %{end} De la %{start} până la %{end} Approve this translation Amount PAID Suma plătită Approve this translation Price Preț Approve this translation SUMMARY REZUMAT Approve this translation %{n} votes %{n} voturi Approve this translation Your Company Name Numele firmei Dvs. Approve this translation If checked, this forum will only be visible to authorized users În cazul în care caseta este bifată, acest forum va fi vizibil doar pentru utilizatorii autorizați Approve this translation Time Timp Approve this translation Export to Excel 1 Export în Excel Approve this translation Automatically close forum at: Închideți automat forumul la Approve this translation Default Mod implicit Approve this translation Phone number Număr de telefon Approve this translation Logo Logo Approve this translation General Settings 1 Setări generale Approve this translation There were errors that prevented this from saving O serie de erori au împiedicat salvarea datelor Dvs. Approve this translation User Utilizator Approve this translation Allow users to request access to this forum Permiteți utilizatorilor să solicite accesul la acest forum Approve this translation Organization URL not translated upgrade upgrade-ul Approve this translation This is a private forum Acest forum este privat Approve this translation What is this not translated Not spam Nu este spam Approve this translation Failure not translated URL URL Approve this translation Mark as spam Marcați ca spam Approve this translation Welcome Message Mesaj de întâmpinare Approve this translation Moderation Moderare Approve this translation Details Detalii Approve this translation Created not translated Links not translated Delete this forum not translated By default, sort ideas by not translated Create Crează Approve this translation Domain aliasing requires a custom CNAME DNS record not translated %{n} vote votul %{n} Approve this translation e.g., How can we improve Acme? not translated Dashboard not translated manage authorized users not translated name not translated