
  1. Untranslated
  2. Needs Review
  3. Reviewed
  4. All
  5. Health
Displaying 101 - 145 of 145

An idea you support has been updated

not translated

An idea you follow has been closed.

not translated

If you would like to stop receiving these emails you may %{link:remove your support from this idea}.

not translated

If you would like to stop receiving these emails you may %{link:unsubscribe}.

not translated

%{name} has invited you to UserVoice!

not translated

A link to the older version of this export is included below.

not translated

If you have any processes built around this, please update those to work with the new version above.

not translated

This older version of the export will no longer be available after December 12, 2016.

not translated

Data import

not translated

Your %{object_type} import has completed.

not translated

1 record was successfully imported.

not translated

%{imported_records} records were successfully imported.

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1 record failed to be imported.

not translated

%{failed_records} records failed to be imported.

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1 record was ignored after failing validation.

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%{ignored_records} records were ignored after failing validation.

not translated

Status Update:

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No captured text.

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User erasure and access report

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These users have deleted themselves from your UserVoice site

not translated

These users have exported their feedback data

not translated

Action required to continue storing your personal information

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Feedback added %{text}

not translated

If you want to delete a profile or account, please see our guide %{link:here}.

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Internal Status Update:

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Manage your notifications settings

not translated

1 record was successfully deleted.

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%{deleted_records} records were successfully deleted.

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not translated

The internal status has been updated on an idea you have captured customer feedback for.

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The internal status has been updated on an idea you are following.

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You captured %{count} %{object_name} for this idea:

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piece of feedback

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pieces of feedback

not translated

The status has been updated on an idea you have captured customer feedback for:

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Access request to UserVoice

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not translated

Final Reminder!

not translated

gave feedback about %{url}

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gave feedback

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not translated

Your export is now ready to be downloaded. Click the following link(s) to download your export.

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UserVoice Team

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Reported by %{n} user(s)

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Contributor Feedback Extension

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