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Displaying 51 - 100 of 1910

forum icon

not translated

Forum state

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not translated


1 Načítavanie Approve this translation

Remove logo

not translated


Dátum Approve this translation

Users can create ideas, vote and add comments

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Require all

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API key

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not translated


2 Otvoriť Approve this translation


1 Vlastné Approve this translation


not translated

Allow any

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not translated

Credit card number

not translated

Forum Name

not translated

Used to reference your account

not translated

Security Code

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not translated

of the following

not translated

Billing address

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not translated


Poznámky Approve this translation

Allows you to control what users can do on the forum

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Name on card

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not translated


1 Zatvorené Approve this translation

Hosted subdomain

not translated

Votes Allowed

not translated

Require moderator approval

not translated

Custom CSS

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not translated

e.g., Acme Forum (Product Name)

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Akcie Approve this translation

Organization name

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not translated

Have your forum setup on your own domain (ex: feedback.yourdomain.com). Preserves your brand experience and adds value SEO by putting user generated content on your domain

Vyjadrite svoj fórum nastavenie na vlastnej doméne (napr.: feedback.yourdomain.com). Zachová si skúsenosti so značkou a priniesť pridanú hodnotu tým, že SEO užívateľa generovaný obsah na vašej doméne Approve this translation

Your users can transition seamlessly from your site to UserVoice without any registration required. This greatly lowers the barrier to giving feedback. Your users profiles and avatars can be integrated into UserVoice for a more seamless user experience.

Užívatelia môžu hladko prechod z vášho webu UserVoice bez požadovanej registrácie. To výrazne znižuje prekážku poskytovania spätnej väzby. Užívatelia profilov a avatary môžu byť integrované do UserVoice pre viac bezproblémové užívateľské skúsenosti. Approve this translation

Each voter is granted 10 votes (per forum) to spend on ideas they support. This forces people to focus on their top ideas which yields higher quality feedback. With this option you can set the number of votes each voter gets on a per forum basis.

Každý volič je poskytovaná 10 hlasov (na fóre) stráviť na myšlienky, ktoré podporujú. To núti ľudí k záujmu o svoje hlavné myšlienky, ktoré poskytuje lepšiu kvalitu, spätnú väzbu. Pomocou tejto voľby môžete nastaviť počet hlasov každý volič dostane na nová fóra základe. Approve this translation

Some things are best discussed privately. You can limit a forum by email address, by email domain or through Single Sign-On.

Niektoré veci sú najlepšie diskutované súkromne. Môžete obmedziť fórum o e-mailovej adresy, domény, e-mailom alebo prostredníctvom Single Sign-On. Approve this translation

Your customers won't even need to know that they've left your site. Configure your UserVoice design (headers, footers, and CSS) to match your existing look-and-feel.

Vaši zákazníci sa ani nemusíte vedieť, že si opustil svoje miesto. Zostavte si svoj UserVoice dizajnu (hlavičky, päty a CSS) tak, aby zodpovedala súčasnej vzhľad a správanie. Approve this translation

Multiple support options including 24/7 dedicated account management.

Viac možností podpory, vrátane 24/7 vyhradeného vedenia účtu. Approve this translation

Most accounts have one forum for general ideas and create additional forums to drill into topic with both your users and internal team.

Väčšina účtov má jedno fórum pre všeobecné nápady a ďalšie pre hlbší záber diskusie k témam so svojimi používateľmi a interným tímom. Approve this translation


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